Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Book Review of "Redeeming Love"

If you've ever wondered what relevance the Bible stories and scriptures have to us today, you will be reminded in characters in this book. Sometimes, creating fictional characters is the best way to demonstrate it. When the stories come a little to close to home, the picture becomes clearer.

In "Redeeming Love", written by Francine Rivers that is exactly what happens. The first few chapters were difficult to read because the picture is painted very clearly of the cruelty that humans are capable of placing on others. You don't have to have had those experiences to shutter and the thought of them.

The story is taken from the Biblical scriptures in Hosea. At first, I didn't know if I would be able to continued reading the book. I am very sensitive to those who are hurting. Even though they were fictional characters in a book, I felt helpless because I couldn't save them. It sounds funny, but that's how it is for me.

I stuck it through to the end. There was a happy ending. There were several life lessons. One is that each of us can be redeemed if we will accept it. Another was that if we will listen and obey God's voice, he will direct our path. The most difficult thought to understand is why God allows the helpless to be hurt. It is something we will never understand. What we can do is to be an extension of his love and help those who are hurting and trust him to be in control.

At the end of the book, the author included a personal note as to how God has worked in her life. Although each of us has different experiences, we have something to offer to another.

I believe it is alright to ask questions about why things happen. When we begin searching for the answers, we being the journey of finding God, ourselves and our purpose. Once we find our purpose, we can reach out to others.

If giving this book to a friend to read, I would tell them ahead of time what the story is about because the opening paints a very clear picture. Then, tell the friend to stick it through to the end.

Whatever your personal life experience has been, I wish you all the joy and happiness that can be. You are precious in God's sight. From one reader to another, God bless.

Author, Laura Schroeder, has experienced life change first hand. To join an online community of care, visit her website at http://lauramschroeder.com/. To contact Laura, email at laura@lauramschroeder.com. Please make any comments family friendly.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Spiritual Fiction Books - A Review of "Crow Lake"

Crow Lake" by Mary Lawson is a #1 National Bestseller in Canada, and is also popular in seventeen other countries. I love it when someone recommends a book to me and it turns out to be somewhat spiritual and very enjoyable and easy to read. Although most wouldn't term this book as spiritual, there is an important lesson to be learned in that life doesn't always turn out the way that you plan. Tragedies and unforeseen twists ALWAYS present themselves in our lives. Mary Lawson tells the story of a family that originates in a remote Northern Ontario town, however it could have taken place in virtually any remote town anywhere.

When the main character, Kate Morrison, is only 7 years old, her parents are killed in a car accident. This leaves her, her 1 1/2 year old younger sister Bo, and her two older brothers, Luke who is 19 and Matt who is 17, on their own. Initially plans are made to allow Luke to attend university as planned prior to their parents' death, Matt to be sent to a relative in Eastern Canada and Kate and Bo to another relative. Although this isn't the ideal situation, with financial constraints and none of their relatives able to care for all four of them, this appears to be their only alternative.

As with any decision affecting an entire family, and especially one that is being forced on them fairly quickly, Matt and Luke decide that they will raise Kate and Bo. Luke forgoes his education to find whatever work that he can, and Matt works after school and weekends to provide as much income as possible. On top of their work responsibilities they also manage to look after Kate and Bo as best they can. Needless to say this situation is less than ideal, and the subsequent choices that they have to make and the events that follow provide a very real, believable tale that could happen to any family.

As the story unfolds, several things happen that manage to make the young Morrisons' lives interesting to say the least. Every time they seem to get things worked out, life jumps in and forces them to adjust and move on. Their lives are by no means easy, and as Kate grows older, she eventually moves away from Crow Lake to the "big city", leaving her siblings behind. Ms. Lawson uses this perspective of Kate's in the present day, telling the story of her life while dealing with the reality of a planned trip back to Crow Lake as an adult. Some of the plot twists are predictable, but no more so than if this had been a true story, and it certainly could be.

The family tensions, disagreements, conflicts and dynamics are presented very truthfully and are easily identifiable to anyone who has had a family member and experienced a crisis of any sort. There is an incredible sense of community portrayed, and the small town aspect of life is showcased through the incredible amount of support that the Morrison children receive. Although technically left on their own, their neighbours are constantly looking out for them, and help always seems to show up when they need it. Their initial plans come no where near to how they thought they would turn out, but that happens to most of us if we are really honest about it.

I really enjoyed this book. It is a little different than the spiritual fiction books I normally read, however I would recommend it to anyone who likes to read a book just for the sake of a good story. You can immerse yourself in the circumstances, choices and lessons that are to be learned, yet you can also read it simply to enjoy a good book. I chose to look at it from both perspectives and I was not disappointed. Although the author currently lives in England, she was born and raised in Canada and has done a great job with this novel. I hope that you will enjoy it as well.

Laughter and love,
Rick Fess

"Crow Lake" Mary Lawson
Vintage Canada/Random House of Canada http://www.NewFaceofFiction.com

And if you would like to know more about me and my upcoming book "Is There More?", please visit http://www.spiritualfictionbooks.com/ to access my weekly blog. I regularly review books on spirituality and self-improvement, particularly spiritual fiction books. You can also contact me through the website if you have any questions or comments. Thank you for your interest.

Laughter and love,
Rick Fess


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Gifts of the Spirits Found in the Bible

Skeptics are numerous but those who have personally experienced spiritual engagements of various kinds, now that they are real. It could be a prayer who makes the difference. It could even be a deep study of Bible. On the other hand, it could be the manifestation of something very unusual happening to him. It could, in deed, be a gift of the spirit. The most curious aspect of the gifts of the spirits which can be found in the Bible is that someone who goes through the experience may not even realize the gift which had been bestowed upon him.

Charlatans abound too, but even more dangerous is when a completely normal being takes it upon him to believe that he has been gifted with some extra-ordinary power and goes about spreading false doctrines by the name of the spiritual gifts that he believes he had apparently received. Another, very real problem is when one is born with some natural talent and finds that there is a disproportionate spurt in the said talent. The surge could be taken to mean either way. That it is a natural growth, or it is the gift received suddenly through grace of God. It may be some earnest prayer could provide the answer.

The genuine gifts from God are as real as the faith itself. The incredible incidence at the congregation on the day of Pentecost as narrated in Acts 2 was the first time that Jesus Christ presented his promise of gift of eternal life after his resurrection. Jesus Christ has left behind a treasure of gifts. Some of the recipients can hardly believe that they had been fortunate enough to receive those gifts and are apprehensive about using them. Their tentative steps, if not accompanied by complete faith, may deteriorate into stagnancy and, in time, completely disappear. That, in deed, should be sad for the concerned person as well as the intended beneficiaries of those gifts.

Some of the gifts of the spirit are given to believers of Christianity to aid spreading the good news of Jesus Christ far and wide. An intelligent Christian should not only recognize his gift but use it diligently and sparingly so that the impact of the gift does not lose its significance. He should even know that he will not be receiving this gift time and again. It also means that the gift should not be bandied about and flouted in some irresponsible manner.

Find out more about the Gifts of the Spirit and please visit Jesus Quotes to learn what other gifts Jesus can bestow upon you.


What Is the Difference Between Guilt and Conviction?

Many of us grew up in churches that took a hard line on just about every issue. Since the Bible teaches us to have certain standards about various things, the hard line approach we learned as children was not always a bad thing. But it does seem that some churches have taken the whole "hell, fire and brimstone" message a bit far. Some churches try to "guilt" people into doing the right thing. One problem with a guilt-based approach is that while it does tend to work in the short term, it seldom works in the long term. On the rare occasion that guilt does change behavior over the long term, it tends to rob people of the joy and happiness they should find in their faith. Another problem with a guilt-based approach is that most young people, who have a more post-modern worldview, simply refuse to be "guilted" into anything. Therefore, they consider guilt-based churches to be irrelevant and simply ignore them. This leaves pastors and church leaders in an interesting situation. We need to help people learn the Biblical principles for godly living, but need to do it in ways that are based on Holy Spirit conviction instead of the human emotion of guilt. This takes a lot of prayer and thoughtful contemplation.

Perhaps the first step in the process is to help people learn the difference between Holy Spirit conviction, which is healthy for a vibrant spirituality, and guilt, which is normally unhealthy. Sunny Shell, a writer for About My Father's Business Ministries, explains why it is often difficult to discern whether or not we're experiencing guilt or conviction over a mistake we've made or a sin we've committed. Sunny says, "One of the reasons why this is so confusing is because they both start out the same way. Both guilt and conviction point out an error (either a sin or a simple mistake). But after this similarity, they take very different paths." Once the error has been pointed out, guilt seeks to make a person feel stupid, useless, and overwhelmed with shame. Guilt causes people to feel like they will never recover from their mistake. Guilt makes people feel like they will never have anything good to offer to anyone ever again. Guilt causes people spiral into deep depression or attempt to justify their bad behavior. Neither of those are good options and often the only thing that comes from such efforts is a growing wedge between people and what ever it is they need to do to find reconciliation.

Holy Spirit conviction on the other hand, not only reveals the problem, but uses this revelation as a catalyst to move a person toward good deeds instead of continued wrong.

Jack Kelley, Director of Grace Thru Faith Ministries, puts it this way, "If you're headed for the cross to find forgiveness, then you're experiencing the conviction of the Holy Spirit. If you're running away from the cross and hiding from God, then its Satan making you feel ashamed."

Think of it this way: guilt is from Satan and produces bad results while conviction is from the Holy Spirit and produces good results. Guilt leaves us with an understanding that we have committed an offense, a wrong, or a sin but offers no hope of redemption. Guilt fills us with the despair of condemnation. Conviction, on the other hand, also reveals an offense, a wrong or a sin, but conviction also reveals a way out of shame and condemnation by offering forgiveness and freedom in Jesus Christ. Once we have received forgiveness and changed our behavior then bad feelings go away and they are replaced with joy. When a person experiences Holy Spirit conviction, instead of mere human guilt, then he or she will have an inner desire to do what is right out of the joy of their salvation and not out of fear of punishment from God or the leaders of the church. When a person has a conviction about something, it gives order and meaning to their actions.

As Christian leaders, we must encourage people to study the Bible for themselves. We must urge them to consider what choices they will make when no one else is around. When people study the Bible for themselves and make choices about their actions without anyone else telling them to do it, then we know they are learning to act on their convictions and not out of guilt. For many of us, this is a lifetime process, so we must remember to be patient with each other while we go through it, but it is a process worth experiencing.

Dr. Terry W. Dorsett holds a Masters in Religious Education and a Doctorate in Administration. He oversees the work of the Baptist denomination in Vermont. He is widely sought after as a speaker in area churches. His innovative and fresh approach makes him an effective communicator with young adults. He is the author of two books and a frequent contributor to Baptist Press. His blog can be found at http://www.terrydorsett.com/.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Do You Believe That Heaven Is for Real? - A Spiritual Book Review

Is Heaven For Real? The title of this book is a statement. The first sentence of my review is a question, and I will explain why. I try to focus on spiritual fiction books, however I seem to be drawn to books that give definitive answers on religious and heavenly subjects that are almost impossible to prove. I understand and accept that people are entitled to their opinion and to tell their story. The difficulty arises when there seem to be so many stories and opinions holding themselves out as the truth. "Heaven is for Real" is quite similar to the books "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven" and "My Time In Heaven". I would ask that you read and decide for yourself.

"Heaven is for Real" is the #1 New York Times Bestseller telling the story of Colton Burpo, a young boy who suffered a burst appendix which was undiagnosed for several days. Once he was diagnosed, he was rushed into emergency surgery and fortunately was operated on successfully. It was while under anesthesia that Colton experienced many miraculous incidences and saw several things that would ultimately convince him, his parents and others that "Heaven is for Real".

A few months after his surgery, Colton reveals to his parents out of the blue that while he was in the hospital having his surgery "That's where the angels sang to me". They had not coached him or asked him any specific questions about the surgery itself, they had simply asked him if he remembered the hospital. To their credit, they do not push the issue, and let it go for the time being until they can discuss it without Colton present.

Without trying to pressure Colton to reveal too much from their questions, his parents Todd and Sonja broach the subject of Colton's experiences slowly. They have first-hand knowledge of what Colton has been taught about The Bible, and the things that he tells them are amazingly similar to what is in The Bible. As they progress, he tells them about sitting in the lap of Jesus, notices the "markers" (nail marks) on his hands, seeing angels, meeting John the Baptist and describing how each were clothed. Towards the end of the book, he also indicates what Jesus looks like from a drawing that was done by another girl who had had a similar experience. This girl was older and an excellent artist - she was able to draw an amazing portrait which Colton pointed out as a picture of the Jesus he met.

I am compelled to inform you that Colton's father is a pastor with extensive knowledge of The Bible. He can (and does) relate every experience told to him by Colton to a passage in The Bible. These are quoted throughout the book, yet he is adamant that there is no way Colton could have known how to describe these things. There are other things Colton explains that happened in the hospital away from where he was having surgery while he was under anesthetic. Unless these were related to him after the fact, there was no way he could have known of these things. One involving his father was intensely personal and private, and I can't imagine that his father had told anyone else. The details are related to you in the book, with no other explanation other than that "Heaven is for Real".

I would recommend that you read "Heaven is for Real" and I would particularly recommend that you compare it to the two other books mentioned above or to others that are similar. I don't profess to have ever met anyone personally who has been to heaven and back, however there seem to be quite a few books being written about the experience. Whether or not Colton Burpo's experience was real or not is probably known only for certain to him and those he met in Heaven. In my opinion, something happened that made a small boy survive under circumstances where his chances were very slim. I wish Colton all the best, and hope that the next time he meets Jesus, "Heaven IS for Real".

"Heaven is for Real"
Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent

Thomas Nelson

And if you would like to know more about me and my upcoming book "Is There More?", please visit http://www.spiritualfictionbooks.com/ to access my weekly blog. I regularly review books on spirituality and self-improvement, particularly spiritual fiction books. You can also contact me through the website if you have any questions or comments. Thank you for your interest.

Laughter and love,
Rick Fess


Friday, September 2, 2011

The Most Powerful Prayer - Anatomy Of The Soul Kit Manual: Part 2

There is a core centre of the soul for each and every one of us, and at this centre lies two great mysterious powers of life here on earth and beyond the physical existence. By definitions this powers are two opposing powers yet they are very strategic in ones spiritual development. They do occupy the same position. This powers are known as the power of darkness and the power of the light. In the core centre of our soul consciousness they exist in the same dimension next to each other.

In the generation of Adam, they were referred to as the tree of Life and the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. For one to experience spiritual growth, total transformation and advancement in the things of the spirit, one has to eat from the tree of life and be alive, become a living soul. For spiritual regression one has to eat from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and die spiritually commonly referred to as spiritual death.

The fruit of this trees are well taught by Jesus Christ when he had the sermon on the mountain. Primarily lets look at the following desire for transformation. A great majority of people who really want to transform are the ones who show poverty in their physical and spiritual existence. It is very few who make a great spiritual advancement being rich or wealthy because most of them are still trapped in their riches or wealth. Poor in spirit means that one is lacking in spiritual practices. Once they have identified their spiritual poverty and they come to realize and acknowledge it, they then can start to work for their spiritual fulfillment aiming for the highest goal the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is nothing else but total enlightenment. This is what one will be aiming at to conquer the existence of squaller in ones life..

One of the most visible signs of eating from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is demonstrated by spiritual poverty in its manifestation by the following fruits. hatred., followed by fear, lack of peace, violence, horror, pain, intimidation, addictions, ego, possessiveness, pessimism and oppression of one over the others, this are just a few to mention. The spiritual poverty symptoms will always be demonstrate by non ending financial problems and breakage in relationships.

When a person get tired by this misery, one will look for an answer to the situations and finally opt willingly to come out from spiritual poverty. Such persons normally are willing to learn, they are willing to practice every day, willing to see the results in their own lives. Their aim is to reach the ultimate, the biggest price of all, the Kingdom of Heaven. The first step to transformation is to stop feeding yourself with the fruit from the tree of the power of darkness and start the process of eating from the tree of life. One of the basic primary lesson is to eat the fruit of Love from the tree of Life everyday. You will start to see value in yourself by loving yourself. This change of loving yourself can be easily extended to loving others, including family, friends, colleagues, and your enemies. This change to Love is sometimes very hard to practice but very necessary to heal you from spiritual poverty and build wealth within you that will later manifest. By so doing you will be demonstrating the highest form of serving God and Loving him when you love others. Without loving one another it is impossible to love God.


Crystals - Crystal Healing for Integrating Body Mind and Spirit

Energy permeates all things; it is an integral part of everything everywhere. Cleansing and balancing energy within and around you is essential for everyone. It is especially important if you are a Light Worker or working as a healer in any profession.

One of the ways in which to re-align your energy is using crystals and minerals integrating all of your energy bodies, Aura and the Ethereal energy field. The four energy levels or energy bodies are physical, emotional, mental and Spiritual.

Each energy body is represented by a specific color ray and corresponding crystals and minerals. Green balances the physical body. Pink or rose balances the emotional body. Blue balances and brings clarity to the mental body. Purple balances the Spiritual body.

Crystals and minerals which may be used for each of the energy bodies are:
*Physical body: Malachite, Green Tourmaline, Aventurine, Emerald, Green Jade
*Emotional body: Rose Quartz, Rose Calcite, Pink Tourmaline, Rhodocrosite, Pink Jade
*Mental body: Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Aqua Aura, Blue Topaz, Blue Tourmaline, Sapphire, Aquamarine, Azurite, Turquoise
*Spiritual body: Amethyst, Sugilite, Lavender Jade, Kunzite, Chaorite, Tanzan Aura

In addition you will also need a pair of Clear Quartz Healing crystals, one for each hand. It is best if the Clear Quartz healers are at least 2 to 3 inches in length and about 1 inch thick or wide. Clear Quartz magnifies or intensifies the energy frequency of all other stones.

Choose crystals and minerals which resonate with you. Within the choices referenced above the stones or crystals which have the highest energy signature will offer maximum benefit. If you are unsure which is best for you to use, take your time collecting just the right specimens.

As a reminder it is essential to cleanse all crystals and minerals before you begin any energy healing session. It is also essential to cleanse and re-charge all your healing crystals by rinsing with cool water and placing them in the Sun light for a few hours at least once a week. Light cleansing in be-tween healings using sound and incense is adequate.

The placement of the stones are as follows: green on the Solar Plexus chakra, rose or pink on the Heart Chakra, blue on the Throat Chakra and purple on or at the Crown Chakra or directly on the Third Eye. Hold the Clear Quartz healers in both hands. The point in your left hand is to be directed towards your arm. The point in your right hand faces outward away from your body. Typically, energy flows in from the left, circulates and flows out the right of the physical body.

Before you begin invoke Angelic White Light protection or say a prayer of protection which resonates with you. The intention is to allow your physical body to be a clear and perfect channel allowing all only that which is of love and light to flow within and around you.

If you are self-healing, lie face up placing your healing stones as stated, hold the Clear Quartz healers in your hands, focus on your breathing and allow all to simply be dissolved from you. Be willing to release all that no longer serves your highest and best good, your Higher-Self.

By invoking protection prior to any energy healing session, you are connection with Divine Source Energy allowing your entire Be-ing to release all that it has collected and stored. You may choose to take a salt bath to deepen your energy cleansing session. It is important to drink extra water during the next 24 to 48 hours to continue the physical detox process.

Connect with Angels every day when you click this link http://angelladytm.com/ from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! All you need to do is enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels! Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Finding Good Death Experience Books

The key to a good read is always something you can enjoy, while learning something new. Whether it's a thick paper back, a good magazine, or an e book you have downloaded; it's all about how the content is interesting as well as informative. Death experience books are usually works of non fiction, and a subject that interests a variety of readers. From young minds, to mature readers, the journey after life always has an unique calling of its own. This is why, there are many writers who write specifically regarding this topic.

While some of the individuals writing on death experience may write about their philosophical reflections of the subject, other authors often talk of the scientific aspect of the matter. Science has always tried to explain the hidden aspects of out being; or our consciousness and soul. It is a subject that is well researched on by many scientific minds trying so seek knowledge beyond the ordinarily visible world. However, when it comes to a good story to read, death experience books are rarely written in a novel. This is because the discussions tend either to lead away to a writer's reflections and beliefs; or towards the scientific explanations for certain phenomena.

There are a few books however, that may satisfy both your thirst for knowledge as well as your need of a pleasant story. A few authors have actually written books on their personal experiences about the afterlife, near death experiences, encounters of the supernatural nature. These can be found online in the form of e books that are becoming very popular these days. They are just as easy to read, and have a number of extra functions that you can utilize over normal books like dictionary and thesaurus links, and auto updates.

The reason why people find a keen interest in death experience books is in fact that our imaginations always want us to explore the unknown. This is why, the subject is also well discussed online on social media platforms like blogs. If you're reading this article, it's obvious that you have a perfectly healthy interest in the topic as well! Even when many orthodox minded people may feel such matters are morbid or blasphemous, it is in fact a part of faith to understand what lies after our life on this planet. If you do want to know what lies beyond our lives on earth, reading good death experience books will indeed shed new light on your curiosity.

Have a keen interest on knowing more about the afterlife? Find yourself good death experience books like 'The Endless Hour' written by Jesse Battle.


"The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" - Spiritual Fiction

Since I mentioned Robin Sharma and "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" in my latest video, people have asked me about his book. It was one of the first books that I read and recognized as spiritual fiction. The subtitle of this book is "a fable about fulfilling your dreams and reaching your destiny," and it truly is a fable and totally fictional. Initially when I read it I thought it was a true story until some of the things that happened to the lawyer Julian just seemed impossible to believe. I was really in the infancy of my spirituality at the time, however this story did get me hooked.

This fable is about a very successful lawyer named Julian Mantle who is stricken by a massive heart attack in the middle of a packed courtroom. One of his proteges, John, is there to witness the big man crumple to the ground, and the story progresses from there. The author provides you with a detailed background of the circumstances leading up to Julian's heart attack, and you are then fast-forwarded to Julian's return after several years of being away from the rat race.

Not only does Julian survive the heart attack, he quits the law firm, sells all of his possessions (including his red Ferrarai) and travels to India on an "expedition" to become a monk. This explains the title of the book. When he returns he visits John and meets with him several times to explain his "transformation" and to explain the lessons that he has learned.

When Julian returns, he is virtually unrecognizable to John. He is lean, tanned and calm. In fact the only evidence left of the man that he once was is a scar on his chest from the surgery he had as a result of his heart attack. Over the course of several meetings, Julian explains how he was transformed by a meeting with the "Sages of Sivanna". These "Sages" teach Julian many things and show him that life is much more than material wealth and possessions.

This is a spiritual fiction book and I have found it very easy to read and to keep interested in (I have read it four times). One of the things that I found unique (for it's time) was that it also includes an "Action Summary" and "Julian's Wisdom In a Nutshell" at the end of every chapter that has provided you with one of the "7 Timeless Virtues of Enlightened Living". Many books today include a reader's study guide or group discussion outlines, however this was one of the first books I had encountered that did this in a fiction book.

Written in 1997, this book is just as relevant today as it was then. With all the hype about "The Secret" and the fiction book "The Shack", Mr. Sharma brought all of the lessons that they have been teaching into his book at least ten years before they became popular. I would recommend that you read this book, particularly if you have read similar books and you will see that learning life lessons can be enjoyable when combined with an interesting story. I also recommend "Life Lessons From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" and I deem it essential to own and KEEP "Who Will Cry When You Die", both by Robin Sharma. His latest book "The Leader Who Had No title" has a good message, however I was put off by the poor editing.

Please contact me if you have any questions or comments - I would love to hear from you.

Laughter and love,
Rick Fess

"The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" Robin S. Sharma

Harper Collins and HarperSanFrancisco http://www.harpercollins.com/

And if you would like to know more about me and my upcoming book "Is There More?", please visit http://www.spiritualfictionbooks.com/ to access my weekly blog. I regularly review books on spirituality and self-improvement, particularly spiritual fiction books. You can also contact me through the website if you have any questions or comments. Thank you for your interest.

Laughter and love,
Rick Fess
