Skeptics are numerous but those who have personally experienced spiritual engagements of various kinds, now that they are real. It could be a prayer who makes the difference. It could even be a deep study of Bible. On the other hand, it could be the manifestation of something very unusual happening to him. It could, in deed, be a gift of the spirit. The most curious aspect of the gifts of the spirits which can be found in the Bible is that someone who goes through the experience may not even realize the gift which had been bestowed upon him.
Charlatans abound too, but even more dangerous is when a completely normal being takes it upon him to believe that he has been gifted with some extra-ordinary power and goes about spreading false doctrines by the name of the spiritual gifts that he believes he had apparently received. Another, very real problem is when one is born with some natural talent and finds that there is a disproportionate spurt in the said talent. The surge could be taken to mean either way. That it is a natural growth, or it is the gift received suddenly through grace of God. It may be some earnest prayer could provide the answer.
The genuine gifts from God are as real as the faith itself. The incredible incidence at the congregation on the day of Pentecost as narrated in Acts 2 was the first time that Jesus Christ presented his promise of gift of eternal life after his resurrection. Jesus Christ has left behind a treasure of gifts. Some of the recipients can hardly believe that they had been fortunate enough to receive those gifts and are apprehensive about using them. Their tentative steps, if not accompanied by complete faith, may deteriorate into stagnancy and, in time, completely disappear. That, in deed, should be sad for the concerned person as well as the intended beneficiaries of those gifts.
Some of the gifts of the spirit are given to believers of Christianity to aid spreading the good news of Jesus Christ far and wide. An intelligent Christian should not only recognize his gift but use it diligently and sparingly so that the impact of the gift does not lose its significance. He should even know that he will not be receiving this gift time and again. It also means that the gift should not be bandied about and flouted in some irresponsible manner.
Find out more about the Gifts of the Spirit and please visit Jesus Quotes to learn what other gifts Jesus can bestow upon you.
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