Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Book Review of "Redeeming Love"

If you've ever wondered what relevance the Bible stories and scriptures have to us today, you will be reminded in characters in this book. Sometimes, creating fictional characters is the best way to demonstrate it. When the stories come a little to close to home, the picture becomes clearer.

In "Redeeming Love", written by Francine Rivers that is exactly what happens. The first few chapters were difficult to read because the picture is painted very clearly of the cruelty that humans are capable of placing on others. You don't have to have had those experiences to shutter and the thought of them.

The story is taken from the Biblical scriptures in Hosea. At first, I didn't know if I would be able to continued reading the book. I am very sensitive to those who are hurting. Even though they were fictional characters in a book, I felt helpless because I couldn't save them. It sounds funny, but that's how it is for me.

I stuck it through to the end. There was a happy ending. There were several life lessons. One is that each of us can be redeemed if we will accept it. Another was that if we will listen and obey God's voice, he will direct our path. The most difficult thought to understand is why God allows the helpless to be hurt. It is something we will never understand. What we can do is to be an extension of his love and help those who are hurting and trust him to be in control.

At the end of the book, the author included a personal note as to how God has worked in her life. Although each of us has different experiences, we have something to offer to another.

I believe it is alright to ask questions about why things happen. When we begin searching for the answers, we being the journey of finding God, ourselves and our purpose. Once we find our purpose, we can reach out to others.

If giving this book to a friend to read, I would tell them ahead of time what the story is about because the opening paints a very clear picture. Then, tell the friend to stick it through to the end.

Whatever your personal life experience has been, I wish you all the joy and happiness that can be. You are precious in God's sight. From one reader to another, God bless.

Author, Laura Schroeder, has experienced life change first hand. To join an online community of care, visit her website at http://lauramschroeder.com/. To contact Laura, email at laura@lauramschroeder.com. Please make any comments family friendly.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Spiritual Fiction Books - A Review of "Crow Lake"

Crow Lake" by Mary Lawson is a #1 National Bestseller in Canada, and is also popular in seventeen other countries. I love it when someone recommends a book to me and it turns out to be somewhat spiritual and very enjoyable and easy to read. Although most wouldn't term this book as spiritual, there is an important lesson to be learned in that life doesn't always turn out the way that you plan. Tragedies and unforeseen twists ALWAYS present themselves in our lives. Mary Lawson tells the story of a family that originates in a remote Northern Ontario town, however it could have taken place in virtually any remote town anywhere.

When the main character, Kate Morrison, is only 7 years old, her parents are killed in a car accident. This leaves her, her 1 1/2 year old younger sister Bo, and her two older brothers, Luke who is 19 and Matt who is 17, on their own. Initially plans are made to allow Luke to attend university as planned prior to their parents' death, Matt to be sent to a relative in Eastern Canada and Kate and Bo to another relative. Although this isn't the ideal situation, with financial constraints and none of their relatives able to care for all four of them, this appears to be their only alternative.

As with any decision affecting an entire family, and especially one that is being forced on them fairly quickly, Matt and Luke decide that they will raise Kate and Bo. Luke forgoes his education to find whatever work that he can, and Matt works after school and weekends to provide as much income as possible. On top of their work responsibilities they also manage to look after Kate and Bo as best they can. Needless to say this situation is less than ideal, and the subsequent choices that they have to make and the events that follow provide a very real, believable tale that could happen to any family.

As the story unfolds, several things happen that manage to make the young Morrisons' lives interesting to say the least. Every time they seem to get things worked out, life jumps in and forces them to adjust and move on. Their lives are by no means easy, and as Kate grows older, she eventually moves away from Crow Lake to the "big city", leaving her siblings behind. Ms. Lawson uses this perspective of Kate's in the present day, telling the story of her life while dealing with the reality of a planned trip back to Crow Lake as an adult. Some of the plot twists are predictable, but no more so than if this had been a true story, and it certainly could be.

The family tensions, disagreements, conflicts and dynamics are presented very truthfully and are easily identifiable to anyone who has had a family member and experienced a crisis of any sort. There is an incredible sense of community portrayed, and the small town aspect of life is showcased through the incredible amount of support that the Morrison children receive. Although technically left on their own, their neighbours are constantly looking out for them, and help always seems to show up when they need it. Their initial plans come no where near to how they thought they would turn out, but that happens to most of us if we are really honest about it.

I really enjoyed this book. It is a little different than the spiritual fiction books I normally read, however I would recommend it to anyone who likes to read a book just for the sake of a good story. You can immerse yourself in the circumstances, choices and lessons that are to be learned, yet you can also read it simply to enjoy a good book. I chose to look at it from both perspectives and I was not disappointed. Although the author currently lives in England, she was born and raised in Canada and has done a great job with this novel. I hope that you will enjoy it as well.

Laughter and love,
Rick Fess

"Crow Lake" Mary Lawson
Vintage Canada/Random House of Canada http://www.NewFaceofFiction.com

And if you would like to know more about me and my upcoming book "Is There More?", please visit http://www.spiritualfictionbooks.com/ to access my weekly blog. I regularly review books on spirituality and self-improvement, particularly spiritual fiction books. You can also contact me through the website if you have any questions or comments. Thank you for your interest.

Laughter and love,
Rick Fess


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Gifts of the Spirits Found in the Bible

Skeptics are numerous but those who have personally experienced spiritual engagements of various kinds, now that they are real. It could be a prayer who makes the difference. It could even be a deep study of Bible. On the other hand, it could be the manifestation of something very unusual happening to him. It could, in deed, be a gift of the spirit. The most curious aspect of the gifts of the spirits which can be found in the Bible is that someone who goes through the experience may not even realize the gift which had been bestowed upon him.

Charlatans abound too, but even more dangerous is when a completely normal being takes it upon him to believe that he has been gifted with some extra-ordinary power and goes about spreading false doctrines by the name of the spiritual gifts that he believes he had apparently received. Another, very real problem is when one is born with some natural talent and finds that there is a disproportionate spurt in the said talent. The surge could be taken to mean either way. That it is a natural growth, or it is the gift received suddenly through grace of God. It may be some earnest prayer could provide the answer.

The genuine gifts from God are as real as the faith itself. The incredible incidence at the congregation on the day of Pentecost as narrated in Acts 2 was the first time that Jesus Christ presented his promise of gift of eternal life after his resurrection. Jesus Christ has left behind a treasure of gifts. Some of the recipients can hardly believe that they had been fortunate enough to receive those gifts and are apprehensive about using them. Their tentative steps, if not accompanied by complete faith, may deteriorate into stagnancy and, in time, completely disappear. That, in deed, should be sad for the concerned person as well as the intended beneficiaries of those gifts.

Some of the gifts of the spirit are given to believers of Christianity to aid spreading the good news of Jesus Christ far and wide. An intelligent Christian should not only recognize his gift but use it diligently and sparingly so that the impact of the gift does not lose its significance. He should even know that he will not be receiving this gift time and again. It also means that the gift should not be bandied about and flouted in some irresponsible manner.

Find out more about the Gifts of the Spirit and please visit Jesus Quotes to learn what other gifts Jesus can bestow upon you.


What Is the Difference Between Guilt and Conviction?

Many of us grew up in churches that took a hard line on just about every issue. Since the Bible teaches us to have certain standards about various things, the hard line approach we learned as children was not always a bad thing. But it does seem that some churches have taken the whole "hell, fire and brimstone" message a bit far. Some churches try to "guilt" people into doing the right thing. One problem with a guilt-based approach is that while it does tend to work in the short term, it seldom works in the long term. On the rare occasion that guilt does change behavior over the long term, it tends to rob people of the joy and happiness they should find in their faith. Another problem with a guilt-based approach is that most young people, who have a more post-modern worldview, simply refuse to be "guilted" into anything. Therefore, they consider guilt-based churches to be irrelevant and simply ignore them. This leaves pastors and church leaders in an interesting situation. We need to help people learn the Biblical principles for godly living, but need to do it in ways that are based on Holy Spirit conviction instead of the human emotion of guilt. This takes a lot of prayer and thoughtful contemplation.

Perhaps the first step in the process is to help people learn the difference between Holy Spirit conviction, which is healthy for a vibrant spirituality, and guilt, which is normally unhealthy. Sunny Shell, a writer for About My Father's Business Ministries, explains why it is often difficult to discern whether or not we're experiencing guilt or conviction over a mistake we've made or a sin we've committed. Sunny says, "One of the reasons why this is so confusing is because they both start out the same way. Both guilt and conviction point out an error (either a sin or a simple mistake). But after this similarity, they take very different paths." Once the error has been pointed out, guilt seeks to make a person feel stupid, useless, and overwhelmed with shame. Guilt causes people to feel like they will never recover from their mistake. Guilt makes people feel like they will never have anything good to offer to anyone ever again. Guilt causes people spiral into deep depression or attempt to justify their bad behavior. Neither of those are good options and often the only thing that comes from such efforts is a growing wedge between people and what ever it is they need to do to find reconciliation.

Holy Spirit conviction on the other hand, not only reveals the problem, but uses this revelation as a catalyst to move a person toward good deeds instead of continued wrong.

Jack Kelley, Director of Grace Thru Faith Ministries, puts it this way, "If you're headed for the cross to find forgiveness, then you're experiencing the conviction of the Holy Spirit. If you're running away from the cross and hiding from God, then its Satan making you feel ashamed."

Think of it this way: guilt is from Satan and produces bad results while conviction is from the Holy Spirit and produces good results. Guilt leaves us with an understanding that we have committed an offense, a wrong, or a sin but offers no hope of redemption. Guilt fills us with the despair of condemnation. Conviction, on the other hand, also reveals an offense, a wrong or a sin, but conviction also reveals a way out of shame and condemnation by offering forgiveness and freedom in Jesus Christ. Once we have received forgiveness and changed our behavior then bad feelings go away and they are replaced with joy. When a person experiences Holy Spirit conviction, instead of mere human guilt, then he or she will have an inner desire to do what is right out of the joy of their salvation and not out of fear of punishment from God or the leaders of the church. When a person has a conviction about something, it gives order and meaning to their actions.

As Christian leaders, we must encourage people to study the Bible for themselves. We must urge them to consider what choices they will make when no one else is around. When people study the Bible for themselves and make choices about their actions without anyone else telling them to do it, then we know they are learning to act on their convictions and not out of guilt. For many of us, this is a lifetime process, so we must remember to be patient with each other while we go through it, but it is a process worth experiencing.

Dr. Terry W. Dorsett holds a Masters in Religious Education and a Doctorate in Administration. He oversees the work of the Baptist denomination in Vermont. He is widely sought after as a speaker in area churches. His innovative and fresh approach makes him an effective communicator with young adults. He is the author of two books and a frequent contributor to Baptist Press. His blog can be found at http://www.terrydorsett.com/.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Do You Believe That Heaven Is for Real? - A Spiritual Book Review

Is Heaven For Real? The title of this book is a statement. The first sentence of my review is a question, and I will explain why. I try to focus on spiritual fiction books, however I seem to be drawn to books that give definitive answers on religious and heavenly subjects that are almost impossible to prove. I understand and accept that people are entitled to their opinion and to tell their story. The difficulty arises when there seem to be so many stories and opinions holding themselves out as the truth. "Heaven is for Real" is quite similar to the books "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven" and "My Time In Heaven". I would ask that you read and decide for yourself.

"Heaven is for Real" is the #1 New York Times Bestseller telling the story of Colton Burpo, a young boy who suffered a burst appendix which was undiagnosed for several days. Once he was diagnosed, he was rushed into emergency surgery and fortunately was operated on successfully. It was while under anesthesia that Colton experienced many miraculous incidences and saw several things that would ultimately convince him, his parents and others that "Heaven is for Real".

A few months after his surgery, Colton reveals to his parents out of the blue that while he was in the hospital having his surgery "That's where the angels sang to me". They had not coached him or asked him any specific questions about the surgery itself, they had simply asked him if he remembered the hospital. To their credit, they do not push the issue, and let it go for the time being until they can discuss it without Colton present.

Without trying to pressure Colton to reveal too much from their questions, his parents Todd and Sonja broach the subject of Colton's experiences slowly. They have first-hand knowledge of what Colton has been taught about The Bible, and the things that he tells them are amazingly similar to what is in The Bible. As they progress, he tells them about sitting in the lap of Jesus, notices the "markers" (nail marks) on his hands, seeing angels, meeting John the Baptist and describing how each were clothed. Towards the end of the book, he also indicates what Jesus looks like from a drawing that was done by another girl who had had a similar experience. This girl was older and an excellent artist - she was able to draw an amazing portrait which Colton pointed out as a picture of the Jesus he met.

I am compelled to inform you that Colton's father is a pastor with extensive knowledge of The Bible. He can (and does) relate every experience told to him by Colton to a passage in The Bible. These are quoted throughout the book, yet he is adamant that there is no way Colton could have known how to describe these things. There are other things Colton explains that happened in the hospital away from where he was having surgery while he was under anesthetic. Unless these were related to him after the fact, there was no way he could have known of these things. One involving his father was intensely personal and private, and I can't imagine that his father had told anyone else. The details are related to you in the book, with no other explanation other than that "Heaven is for Real".

I would recommend that you read "Heaven is for Real" and I would particularly recommend that you compare it to the two other books mentioned above or to others that are similar. I don't profess to have ever met anyone personally who has been to heaven and back, however there seem to be quite a few books being written about the experience. Whether or not Colton Burpo's experience was real or not is probably known only for certain to him and those he met in Heaven. In my opinion, something happened that made a small boy survive under circumstances where his chances were very slim. I wish Colton all the best, and hope that the next time he meets Jesus, "Heaven IS for Real".

"Heaven is for Real"
Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent

Thomas Nelson

And if you would like to know more about me and my upcoming book "Is There More?", please visit http://www.spiritualfictionbooks.com/ to access my weekly blog. I regularly review books on spirituality and self-improvement, particularly spiritual fiction books. You can also contact me through the website if you have any questions or comments. Thank you for your interest.

Laughter and love,
Rick Fess


Friday, September 2, 2011

The Most Powerful Prayer - Anatomy Of The Soul Kit Manual: Part 2

There is a core centre of the soul for each and every one of us, and at this centre lies two great mysterious powers of life here on earth and beyond the physical existence. By definitions this powers are two opposing powers yet they are very strategic in ones spiritual development. They do occupy the same position. This powers are known as the power of darkness and the power of the light. In the core centre of our soul consciousness they exist in the same dimension next to each other.

In the generation of Adam, they were referred to as the tree of Life and the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. For one to experience spiritual growth, total transformation and advancement in the things of the spirit, one has to eat from the tree of life and be alive, become a living soul. For spiritual regression one has to eat from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and die spiritually commonly referred to as spiritual death.

The fruit of this trees are well taught by Jesus Christ when he had the sermon on the mountain. Primarily lets look at the following desire for transformation. A great majority of people who really want to transform are the ones who show poverty in their physical and spiritual existence. It is very few who make a great spiritual advancement being rich or wealthy because most of them are still trapped in their riches or wealth. Poor in spirit means that one is lacking in spiritual practices. Once they have identified their spiritual poverty and they come to realize and acknowledge it, they then can start to work for their spiritual fulfillment aiming for the highest goal the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is nothing else but total enlightenment. This is what one will be aiming at to conquer the existence of squaller in ones life..

One of the most visible signs of eating from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is demonstrated by spiritual poverty in its manifestation by the following fruits. hatred., followed by fear, lack of peace, violence, horror, pain, intimidation, addictions, ego, possessiveness, pessimism and oppression of one over the others, this are just a few to mention. The spiritual poverty symptoms will always be demonstrate by non ending financial problems and breakage in relationships.

When a person get tired by this misery, one will look for an answer to the situations and finally opt willingly to come out from spiritual poverty. Such persons normally are willing to learn, they are willing to practice every day, willing to see the results in their own lives. Their aim is to reach the ultimate, the biggest price of all, the Kingdom of Heaven. The first step to transformation is to stop feeding yourself with the fruit from the tree of the power of darkness and start the process of eating from the tree of life. One of the basic primary lesson is to eat the fruit of Love from the tree of Life everyday. You will start to see value in yourself by loving yourself. This change of loving yourself can be easily extended to loving others, including family, friends, colleagues, and your enemies. This change to Love is sometimes very hard to practice but very necessary to heal you from spiritual poverty and build wealth within you that will later manifest. By so doing you will be demonstrating the highest form of serving God and Loving him when you love others. Without loving one another it is impossible to love God.


Crystals - Crystal Healing for Integrating Body Mind and Spirit

Energy permeates all things; it is an integral part of everything everywhere. Cleansing and balancing energy within and around you is essential for everyone. It is especially important if you are a Light Worker or working as a healer in any profession.

One of the ways in which to re-align your energy is using crystals and minerals integrating all of your energy bodies, Aura and the Ethereal energy field. The four energy levels or energy bodies are physical, emotional, mental and Spiritual.

Each energy body is represented by a specific color ray and corresponding crystals and minerals. Green balances the physical body. Pink or rose balances the emotional body. Blue balances and brings clarity to the mental body. Purple balances the Spiritual body.

Crystals and minerals which may be used for each of the energy bodies are:
*Physical body: Malachite, Green Tourmaline, Aventurine, Emerald, Green Jade
*Emotional body: Rose Quartz, Rose Calcite, Pink Tourmaline, Rhodocrosite, Pink Jade
*Mental body: Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Aqua Aura, Blue Topaz, Blue Tourmaline, Sapphire, Aquamarine, Azurite, Turquoise
*Spiritual body: Amethyst, Sugilite, Lavender Jade, Kunzite, Chaorite, Tanzan Aura

In addition you will also need a pair of Clear Quartz Healing crystals, one for each hand. It is best if the Clear Quartz healers are at least 2 to 3 inches in length and about 1 inch thick or wide. Clear Quartz magnifies or intensifies the energy frequency of all other stones.

Choose crystals and minerals which resonate with you. Within the choices referenced above the stones or crystals which have the highest energy signature will offer maximum benefit. If you are unsure which is best for you to use, take your time collecting just the right specimens.

As a reminder it is essential to cleanse all crystals and minerals before you begin any energy healing session. It is also essential to cleanse and re-charge all your healing crystals by rinsing with cool water and placing them in the Sun light for a few hours at least once a week. Light cleansing in be-tween healings using sound and incense is adequate.

The placement of the stones are as follows: green on the Solar Plexus chakra, rose or pink on the Heart Chakra, blue on the Throat Chakra and purple on or at the Crown Chakra or directly on the Third Eye. Hold the Clear Quartz healers in both hands. The point in your left hand is to be directed towards your arm. The point in your right hand faces outward away from your body. Typically, energy flows in from the left, circulates and flows out the right of the physical body.

Before you begin invoke Angelic White Light protection or say a prayer of protection which resonates with you. The intention is to allow your physical body to be a clear and perfect channel allowing all only that which is of love and light to flow within and around you.

If you are self-healing, lie face up placing your healing stones as stated, hold the Clear Quartz healers in your hands, focus on your breathing and allow all to simply be dissolved from you. Be willing to release all that no longer serves your highest and best good, your Higher-Self.

By invoking protection prior to any energy healing session, you are connection with Divine Source Energy allowing your entire Be-ing to release all that it has collected and stored. You may choose to take a salt bath to deepen your energy cleansing session. It is important to drink extra water during the next 24 to 48 hours to continue the physical detox process.

Connect with Angels every day when you click this link http://angelladytm.com/ from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! All you need to do is enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels! Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Finding Good Death Experience Books

The key to a good read is always something you can enjoy, while learning something new. Whether it's a thick paper back, a good magazine, or an e book you have downloaded; it's all about how the content is interesting as well as informative. Death experience books are usually works of non fiction, and a subject that interests a variety of readers. From young minds, to mature readers, the journey after life always has an unique calling of its own. This is why, there are many writers who write specifically regarding this topic.

While some of the individuals writing on death experience may write about their philosophical reflections of the subject, other authors often talk of the scientific aspect of the matter. Science has always tried to explain the hidden aspects of out being; or our consciousness and soul. It is a subject that is well researched on by many scientific minds trying so seek knowledge beyond the ordinarily visible world. However, when it comes to a good story to read, death experience books are rarely written in a novel. This is because the discussions tend either to lead away to a writer's reflections and beliefs; or towards the scientific explanations for certain phenomena.

There are a few books however, that may satisfy both your thirst for knowledge as well as your need of a pleasant story. A few authors have actually written books on their personal experiences about the afterlife, near death experiences, encounters of the supernatural nature. These can be found online in the form of e books that are becoming very popular these days. They are just as easy to read, and have a number of extra functions that you can utilize over normal books like dictionary and thesaurus links, and auto updates.

The reason why people find a keen interest in death experience books is in fact that our imaginations always want us to explore the unknown. This is why, the subject is also well discussed online on social media platforms like blogs. If you're reading this article, it's obvious that you have a perfectly healthy interest in the topic as well! Even when many orthodox minded people may feel such matters are morbid or blasphemous, it is in fact a part of faith to understand what lies after our life on this planet. If you do want to know what lies beyond our lives on earth, reading good death experience books will indeed shed new light on your curiosity.

Have a keen interest on knowing more about the afterlife? Find yourself good death experience books like 'The Endless Hour' written by Jesse Battle.


"The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" - Spiritual Fiction

Since I mentioned Robin Sharma and "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" in my latest video, people have asked me about his book. It was one of the first books that I read and recognized as spiritual fiction. The subtitle of this book is "a fable about fulfilling your dreams and reaching your destiny," and it truly is a fable and totally fictional. Initially when I read it I thought it was a true story until some of the things that happened to the lawyer Julian just seemed impossible to believe. I was really in the infancy of my spirituality at the time, however this story did get me hooked.

This fable is about a very successful lawyer named Julian Mantle who is stricken by a massive heart attack in the middle of a packed courtroom. One of his proteges, John, is there to witness the big man crumple to the ground, and the story progresses from there. The author provides you with a detailed background of the circumstances leading up to Julian's heart attack, and you are then fast-forwarded to Julian's return after several years of being away from the rat race.

Not only does Julian survive the heart attack, he quits the law firm, sells all of his possessions (including his red Ferrarai) and travels to India on an "expedition" to become a monk. This explains the title of the book. When he returns he visits John and meets with him several times to explain his "transformation" and to explain the lessons that he has learned.

When Julian returns, he is virtually unrecognizable to John. He is lean, tanned and calm. In fact the only evidence left of the man that he once was is a scar on his chest from the surgery he had as a result of his heart attack. Over the course of several meetings, Julian explains how he was transformed by a meeting with the "Sages of Sivanna". These "Sages" teach Julian many things and show him that life is much more than material wealth and possessions.

This is a spiritual fiction book and I have found it very easy to read and to keep interested in (I have read it four times). One of the things that I found unique (for it's time) was that it also includes an "Action Summary" and "Julian's Wisdom In a Nutshell" at the end of every chapter that has provided you with one of the "7 Timeless Virtues of Enlightened Living". Many books today include a reader's study guide or group discussion outlines, however this was one of the first books I had encountered that did this in a fiction book.

Written in 1997, this book is just as relevant today as it was then. With all the hype about "The Secret" and the fiction book "The Shack", Mr. Sharma brought all of the lessons that they have been teaching into his book at least ten years before they became popular. I would recommend that you read this book, particularly if you have read similar books and you will see that learning life lessons can be enjoyable when combined with an interesting story. I also recommend "Life Lessons From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" and I deem it essential to own and KEEP "Who Will Cry When You Die", both by Robin Sharma. His latest book "The Leader Who Had No title" has a good message, however I was put off by the poor editing.

Please contact me if you have any questions or comments - I would love to hear from you.

Laughter and love,
Rick Fess

"The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" Robin S. Sharma

Harper Collins and HarperSanFrancisco http://www.harpercollins.com/

And if you would like to know more about me and my upcoming book "Is There More?", please visit http://www.spiritualfictionbooks.com/ to access my weekly blog. I regularly review books on spirituality and self-improvement, particularly spiritual fiction books. You can also contact me through the website if you have any questions or comments. Thank you for your interest.

Laughter and love,
Rick Fess


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Learning How to Overcome the 70 Hour Work Week

Fred Lehr is a Lutheran pastor and a graduate of Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg. He is the founder and Manager of Renewal Ministries, LLC, a ministry of training and consulting for church systems, church leaders, and church professionals with special emphasis on conflict management, change management, healthy boundaries, stress management, and healthy congregations.

Lehr has written an excellent book on clergy burnout. He points out that "Virtually everyone has experienced burnout relative to something in his or her life at one time or another," (page 10). Though ministry can be a very fulfilling career, it can also lead to burn out if the minister does not take care of his own emotional well-being, especially if he becomes co-dependent with his congregation.

Those of us who have served in ministry roles understand what Lehr is talking about because we have experienced it first hand. We have worked hard serving others, sacrificing time with our own families and often our own health. But when seldom does the congregation return that same level of commitment to the minister. Far too many pastors yearn for the day they can retire because the demands of ministry are no longer as fulfilling as they once were.

But it does not have to be this way. Pastors can regain their balance and become more emotionally healthy. Lehr gives practical suggestions in his book for how a minister can be healthier. One suggestion is for pastors to avoid the cycle of codependency. Since many people have significant pain in their lives, they often look to a minister to help them. While a minister can give advice and encouragement, ultimately each person is responsible for their own health. But some church members would prefer to lean on the pastor's emotional strength instead of doing the hard work of becoming healthier themselves. Co-dependency happens when ministers let people use them as an emotional crutch because the minister feels a NEED to be needed.

This is unhealthy and eventually leads to conflict because codependent members will not rush to the pastor's aid or defend the causes which the pastor holds dear. Needy church members are only concerned about themselves and when the pastor can no longer meet their emotional needs, they will seek to remove the pastor and find someone else who they think will meet their needs better. Many pastors have learned this first hand. They often suffer in silence, or move to a new congregation, hoping it will be better. Often, it is not.

This co-dependence can lead to depression. Lehr points out that "Depressed clergy are not effective clergy," (page 45). But when a pastor can manage to regain his balance, then he can recover from burn out. Lehr suggests that one of the key elements in recovering from burnout and codependency is to regain balance in life. This can include emotional balance, spiritual balance, physical balance as well as a balance between work and recreation.

A second way a pastor can regain his balance is learn the art of detachment. This does not mean that a pastor does not care about his congregation. It simply means that he does not take on responsibilities that are not his to bear. The pastor can listen, pray for individuals, respond to the needs within the scope of his training and time, and refer other needs to those whom are better equipped to meet them.

As I read Lehr's book, it occurred to me that though he has written it primarily for pastors, its seems that the same principles and concepts would apply to any person who is in a "helping" profession. Social workers, medical providers, counselors, school guidance counselors and a host of other professionals could learn just as much from Lehr's research as pastors.

Dr. Terry W. Dorsett holds a Masters in Religious Education and a Doctorate in Administration. He oversees the work of the Baptist denomination in Vermont. He is widely sought after as a speaker in area churches. His innovative and fresh approach makes him an effective communicator with young adults. He is the author of two books and a frequent contributor to Baptist Press. His blog can be found at http://www.terrydorsett.com/.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The World of Natural and Spiritual Fruits

"The Holy Bible" is a binding of 66 small booklets in it. They are not like a stitched clothe, in which 66 pieces of cloth are stitched together to form clothe. Bible is like a knitted clothe without joint patches in it. 66 booklets are written by many authors, in different places, in different periods, yet Biblical words and verses are amazingly inter-linked to each other, to explain the details of all subjects, uniformity of God's plans and purposes, secretes and truths of times and many more things!

I think, therefore, Jesus always wore knitted Gown to indicate symbolically, the words of true living God of creation called "The Bible" (While crucifying, Jesus' gown was given by lots). Therefore "The Holy Bible" is amazingly unique book.

Only reading Bible is like a boat trip in a sea. You can enjoy only surface views around that sea, no doubt! Areal view over the same sea will show few more, additional details. General Bible survey is like that. But if you want to see the unseen views of the same sea, then you dive deep in that sea and enjoy hidden views in the bottom of the sea as well. It is harder, but can be beneficial; you may find a pearl, hidden in some shell there! Pearls are not found on the surface or in the air. They are always in depths. Bible study with reference Bible is like a deep diving, where the pearls of Biblical truths are hidden.

Human life is full of joys and sorrows. We become happy when things go right for us and become sad if they go wrong. If we compare moments of joys against sorrows, then we find the moments of sorrows are many more than the moments of joys; in every individual's life. Sorrows can be in, big, bigger and biggest extents. It is only disaster, which make many people's lives sorrowful, at a time. Disasters strike in great, greater and greatest extents, every now and then and make human lives miserable on this planet. There are:- (A) Man made Disasters (B) Natural Calamities (C) Supernatural / from God / Biblical Judgments. Which is the greatest disaster in human history, occurred on the earth, so far? May occur in the future?

(A) Man made Disasters: - Arms and ammunition? 1st & 2nd world wars together? World war 3rd? Star wars?

(B) Natural Calamities: - Hurricanes? Worst Tsunami? Biggest earth quakes? Volcano eruptions? A fall of huge asteroid on earth? A fall of some planet or a fall of some star on the earth?

(C) Biblical Judgments: - Destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah? Noah's flood? Murder of Son of God, Jesus Christ, on the cross by human beings? All end time disasters put together? First think over all above questions again. Then prepare your own answer. Then only read an answer bellow Answer: - I think, none of the "YES" answers given, for any question above is correct! Are you surprised? From my Biblical point of view, a very simple act of eating forbidden fruit by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is "The only greatest disaster, ever occurred in the history of mankind". I believe it is the only root cause of every sin/sorrow/calamity which struck/strike earth in any period - past / present / future. If I add together all above disasters, calculate their total impact, yet the same root cause pops up; at its base. In my personal Bible study, I found word "Fruit" is one of the most important Bible words in human lives. In my last article "Purpose of Human Creation on Earth" I have written following extra ordinary purposes of natural fruits in the Garden of Eden, when humans were created in imperishable earthen bodies by God.

(1) The only human food. Adam & Eve were nourished on varieties of fruits. In The Garden of Eden. Their main work was - They were gardeners in Eden. "Fruits" gave them job and food too!

(2) The fruits of the knowledge of good and evil, were never created for humans (Gen.2:17, 3:3) they were created only for Satan and his fallen angels. The fruits were like arms for humans in the war with Satan and his angels, while protecting earth from Satanic attacks.

(3) The fruits of life were for well beings of humans (Gen 2: 9, 16, Ezk. 47:12, Rev. 2:7, 22:2). Even during the wars with satanic forces, the fruits were like shields or medical cover for humans. After eating forbidden fruit human bodies became weak and perishable by death. God drove them out of Eden Garden and guarded the tree of fruits of life God did not want weak and perishable human's bodies to eat those fruits and live in that form for ever. Now God wanted them to die, dissolve in clay (Gen.3:22 - 24). A strange story is written in (Gen. 6:14). How come sons of God i.e. angels could marry; fallen human's daughters; on earth, without God's permission? But fallen angels under Lucifer's advice can certainly do so. (Fallen angels were sons of God too! example - The prodigal son, even after his fall is also called son only).

After deceiving humans, Satan acquired partial possession of earth. Due to God given blessings, fast increasing human population became the hindrance for Satan in taking full possession of earth. Though solution above looked clever; on the hindrance, but the main problem was even greater, read (Matt.22: 23-30), verse 30 clearly tells angels cannot marry. There is no record of sex, of heavenly beings, in the Bible.

Celestial bodies of heavenly beings are imperishable and without sexes, they are only creations they do not reproduce like creatures on earth. Even God in heaven has son Jesus, without any Goddess being in heaven. Bible explains God himself gave birth to his son Jesus (Psm.2:7, John 3:16, Heb.5:5). How come? Read (John 1:1), Jesus was God's word. The word was inside God. God spoke my mouth. Jesus came out. Thus Jesus was born in heaven. By some amazing ways; similar to this; God's power worked wonders, in the creations of heavenly beings. Even on earth, cubs of lions (and all cat families) are born through mouths only!

But when same Jesus had to take birth on earth in human form, God chose righteous virgin Marry for Jesus' birth. Marry conceived Jesus directly in her womb by the power of Holy Spirit. There was no any sexual union of Joseph and Marry till Jesus' birth. Joseph and Marry gave birth to their other children by usual human sexual union, excluding Jesus. Why? Jesus was the son of God,God; who is Holy of holy. Therefore, only Jesus was sent on earth from heaven to save sinful mankind. In Jesus' humanly life-time every aspect of holiness to fulfill was mandatory, for the sinful humans' salvation.

Bible describes Jesus as a bridegroom and the church as his bride. After the rapture, their marriage is to take place in heaven and honeymoon too (spiritual union), description of Church resurrected in imperishable body (Eve) for the spiritual unity with Jesus (Adam 2nd). Not for any sexual relationship. Read better proof in (Matt.22:23to30), Jesus personally answered in verse 30; no sexual relationships are there in heaven.

So Lucifer, under his authority must have chosen; some of his fallen angels; for his above mission. He made them to change their imperishable celestial bodies into perishable celestial bodies by eating the fruits of forbidden tree. Remember, only three of fruits of life were guarded in The Garden of Eden. But the tree of forbidden fruits was kept free, open and without guards. Only after such major change, selected fallen angels were able to marry fallen human's daughters to reproduce Children who became like giants, like super humans, due to the blood combination of perishable earthly bodies now with perishable celestial bodies. This was against God's plan for his foot stool i.e. EARTH.

God wanted only humans, though in perishable earthen bodies; to rule the earth, not giants! No; any human hybrids with angels or earthly creatures. Lucifer must have tried the same and similar experiments on many creatures on earth. Therefore, at last, God had to destroy the whole world by flood.

Only God fearing Noah family's blood remained pure and safe from above contamination. Therefore, God saved them and also pure pairs of all creatures. Noah's flood was also a first purification of the world. It is called symbolic Baptism of water (1 Pet.3:20-21) - made for the Second or New creation on the earth.

By above story (explanation) I proved again that, eating of forbidden fruits became the root cause of whole world's destruction in the Bible, once upon a time! Some extra ordinary natural fruits, outside The Garden of Eden.

(4) Mandrake Fruits: - * A story of Mandrake fruits is enclosed in it (Gen.30: 14 to 24). (It is given in the form of a table at the end of this article for your quick reference) (5) Biblical Fruits means Children too!-

(a) In some Bible translations children are also termed as "fruits of womb" (Gen.1:22, 9:1, 30:2, 35:11, Ex.1:7). They come out of their mothers' wombs, like fruits emerge from trees. As per this aspect Jesus was born of God, so God was a mother of Jesus but Jesus always called God "The father" why? We have seen that there are no sexes in heaven therefore while identifying heavenly beings like God, Jesus, Angels, 24 elders in heaven etc. God used only a single masculine gender in the Biblical grammar. No use of feminine gender at all. But same Jesus was born on earth as a male child to replace fallen Adam therefore, he is called second Adam. On earth Jesus became physically "fruit of woman's womb" (with respect to God created laws for earth).On earth Jesus was physically with his earthly parents but spiritually Jesus was connected only to his heavenly father for most of the time. In (Mark 3: 33-35) Jesus indicated it clearly. These verses also show Jesus' spiritual relationships with human individuals (in terms of their earthly sex status). But group of righteous people in church is termed as the spiritual bride of Jesus (who is second Adam). Jesus is coming back soon to rule on earth for one thousand year. Then every person will be like a part of one body called "The Church", its relationship with Jesus as his spiritual wife.

(b) But only after, Day of Judgment, in the heavenly kingdom; on the New Earth, only saved people who were resurrected in imperishable and glorious bodies will be like angels (sexless). Only on The New Earth Jesus will be calling them as his "brothers" (Heb. 2:11). There won't be any spiritual sister or spiritual mother for Jesus, from the old earth. Even whole saved church will not be termed as Jesus' spiritual wife there. Mankind's brotherly relations will be there with Jesus, with one another and also with other heavenly beings in the actual sense. Therefore, "sisterhood" or "motherhood" is not highlighted so much in the Bible.

(c) Some gentiles in Canaan used to offer their children to their Gods / Goddesses. God the creator did put Abraham in such test but stopped him just before sacrificing his son Isaac. But God allowed the holy sacrifice of his own son Jesus on the cross for the salvation of mankind. Is it not strange?

(5) No doubt, Children are as sweet as fruits. Biblical comparison too agrees. But they are certainly not eatables like fruits. Jesus, offered himself just like an eatable fruit for his saved ones. By the mandatory ritual of "Lord's Supper". In the actual ritual, bread = symbol of Jesus' flesh and wine (grape fruit Juice!) = symbol of his blood, are served. Mainly two consumable parts are there, in most of fruits i.e. the pulp (flesh of the fruit) and the juice in the fruit (blood of the fruit) that is how the "fruit of Mary's womb" i.e. Jesus, who became a fruit of life, why? For the restoration for human bodies and for the restoration of human relationship with God. Since, the tree of fruits of life, in the Garden of Eden is banned for mankind. I think, Just before Noah's flood, the tree of fruits of life was removed from earth and was planted in paradise (Rev.2:7). It will be replanted, only on The New Earth, in the city of New Jerusalem which will descend from heaven (Rev.22:2). Therefore, till then Jesus himself became Mandatory replacement for fruit of life. How important are these fruits for human survivals! God warned Adam and Eve, "Don't eat the (forbidden) fruit, you will die". Now Jesus is warning his people, "If you don't eat mandatory fruit of Mary's womb (me), you will die" Strange warnings

(6) Other spiritual aspects of word Fruit in "The Bible". In the Garden of Eden; human life depended on fruits; to great extent. Likewise, for teaching spiritual things by comparisons, word fruit is used mostly in the Bible. Examples - Fruits of the spirits are demanded in the Christian life. Fruits of spirit are Christian love, gentleness, forgiveness, kindness, humbleness, peace, grace, joy etc. Fruits of evil spirit are opposite. Fruitfulness - Presence of fruits in the spiritual life and fruitlessness is their absence. Names of some natural fruits are found in the examples and parables of the Bible. Names of many natural fruits are written in the Bible.

(7) Fruits in Holy Covenant Box and Lord's Supper In The Most Holy Box of Covenant three things were kept Manna, Tablets of The Ten Commandments and The Staff of Aaron. God blessed Staff of Aaron and performed mighty miracles in Egypt by the staff. In (Nub.17: 1 to 8) Aaron's staff sprouted, budded and produced almonds (Fruits!). Thus fruits were present even in The Covenant Box!! In The Holiest sacrament of Lord's Supper wine is served. Wine is a mildly fermented juice of grapes and grapes are Fruits! Thus fruits are present even in Lord's Supper!

Fruits have their unique importance in every look and corner of human natural and spiritual life. In The Holy Bible "Fruits" are found everywhere.

God gave importance to fruits to such an extent!... Surprising!!... Isn't it?

(The Bible Used - "THOMPSON CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE - XI" --- "New International Version - vii " )

Author - Mr. Anil Pacharne


Author's Name: - Anil Pacharne.

Religion:- Christian.

Interests: - Bible Study. Bible investinations. Sharing God's word in churches.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Mission Trip Fundraising Ideas

In these days of God-less time, becoming a missionary by itself, is a noble deed in the eyes of most men, though they will be loath to become one. God could not possibly be, however, impressed. It is we who need Him and not vice-versa. God does not certainly need a prop in the guise of men and women. However, after you have become one, you can impress God with your missionary work.

A mission trip is a natural corollary of an aspiring or ordained missionary. God certainly looks favorably upon those who take pity on the underprivileged and engage in activities aimed at alleviating the sufferings of those people. Any mission trip needs hard cash that is to be spent in myriad ways. So, how does one go about finding the where withal for the one's mission trip?

Make a list of faithful people whom you know and are fairly sure about their disposition towards religious activity or better still, mission trips. Write a sincere letter giving all possible details like the mission's purported aim, the actual activities that are envisaged and the possible good results that you hope to achieve. Send the letters across. You might send emails and warn them of it in text messages. Like a good Christian, when you receive a financial assistance, you must make it a point to thank the donor profusely. This usually has a cascading effect and friend as well as acquaintances of this donor may follow suit. That is quite desirable, isn't it?

Church is an obvious donor, and you must make sure that the parish priest and others in the church hierarchy. You might be able to convince your church authorities to pitch in with recommendation letters, which will go some way in getting even the disinterested people to come up with a donation. You must consider hosting congregational meetings where you should make the people aware of your mission trip. Fundraising among the members of the church can be fun but very fructifying. Some fun-filled games for children as well as adults could be organized. A small carnival of food stalls could also be in the order. The comparatively exorbitant rates of game tickets and food coupons will not be grudged by anyone. You could hope to make a tidy sum from these.

Contrary to what many people think, penny drives are fully acceptable and are not to be looked askance at. Remember, each penny is one step closer to a dollar!

Apart from some simple ideas here, you can get to learn some more Mission Trip Fundraising Ideas and know more about Becoming a Missionary.


A Spiritual Growth Class Will Jump Out at You When You Have Nowhere to Turn

If you are like me, you have begun your search for inner peace with a spiritual growth class. My first one was at the Gita School of Yoga in Melbourne in 1963. It was called a yoga philosophy class and seemed pretty way out back then. I was 21 and looking for some answers, finding my purpose and path in life, other than as a young married with a baby. We studied Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism for a long time and it seemed very foreign to me at the time.

Since then I have been seeking and learning, much of it was leaning towards eastern traditions of yoga, always keeping an open mind and particularly towards alternative teachings.

I believe we all are unique and each one's path is equally unique, as we are drawn towards new experiences, ever leading us upwards and onwards towards our oftentimes, unconscious goal. Can you relate to that? Feeling your goal so far away yet being led somehow towards new experiences, often in a test of faith and with each step revealing a new light on your path. The light is enough, sometimes barely enough, to give you heart to keep going.

If you are feeling stressed out and your life lost its purpose and direction, it could be time for you to follow your instinct and learn something. Anything. It could be that you have stopped moving forward and need to pick yourself up and gain momentum. Then things, your life, will become clearer, as you trust in yourself, your own heart's knowing.

Nowhere to turn? It could be time for you to belong in a safe group environment, in which case you could attend a class where you will learn to meditate and share with like minded souls.

A spiritual growth class will jump out at you getting your attention when you need to attend it. This can work for anything in our life, when we have a need, we draw that thing towards ourself, we magnetise it. We create our own reality and the clearer we are, the more awareness that we hold, we create and manifest things towards ourself more quickly. Look at goals and anything of our choosing. Goals can be very slow to come to fruition because we do not hold enough focus and our mind wanders.

One valid reason for taking yourself to a regular spiritual growth class would be because you want to make friends with your mind. To stop it's incessant thinking, worrying, round and round, until your energy levels drop and you are constantly stressed.

I believe that most such classes would use various tools with which to help to tame and calm the mind. They would generally teach meditation and yogic breathing exercises. The body is tough and at the same time can be extremely sensitive. The reason that I say this is that everything flows together and is effected by each other. Breathing affects the emotions, the mind, the spirit. We could say, introduce here that it is a 4-body system. The physical body, the mental body, the emotional body and the spiritual body. This is the most elementary way of explaining that to live a joyful, peaceful life, we need to be balanced, have self discipline and have union within all aspects of our body. If we are not right with ourself, we cannot be right with others. Not in our relationships, nor our work or play.

I encourage you to be kind to yourself and live harmoniously with yourself and the universe. Blessings to you.

Lynette Mitchell is a Master of Laughter & Spiritual Mentoring. Lynette is a mentor, life coach, holistic living counsellor and facilitates laughter yoga and personal and spiritual growth classes and workshops. She founded the free community Ferntree Gully Laughter Club and facilitates laughter yoga therapy sessions for groups and businesses. She is a mentor for and member of the Insight Foundation, http://www.insightfoundation.org.au/ and Lynette's website is http://www.lynettemitchell.com.au/. Go to Lynette's website for information relating to life coaching, laughter yoga, counselling and other interesting subjects. This article may be reproduced and forwarded if left intact with author's links. Enjoy!


Sunday, August 28, 2011

99 Thoughts on Ganesha by Devdutt Pattanaik

If an individual gets everything in life very smoothly right from good education, good job, good money, own house, dream life partner coupled with aristocratic life style at the right time when desired then it would be very unlikely that one might remember God that off and on when life is sailing smoothly. The reality is in life everyone gets their share of knocks and goes through turbulent times. A vacuum of one's desire and hopes is always left unanswered so that we always remember God and connect with our prayers and our wishes with the almighty.

In the new book by JAICO Publishing House titled "99 Thoughts on Ganesha" by Devdutt Pattanaik (Stories, Symbols and Rituals of India's beloved elephant-headed deity) the author has made reference to Ganesha the Lord of Beginnings and Lord of Obstacles. A medical doctor by education, a leadership consultant by profession, Dr. Devdutt Pattanaik is currently the Chief Belief Officer at Future Group. He has written and lectured extensively on the nature of sacred stories, symbols and rituals and their relevance in modern times.

In his latest book and also the first one on Ganesha the author brings together 99 meditations to better understand the stories, symbols and rituals of one of the deities best-known and most widely worshipped in the Hindu pantheon namely Ganapati known to remove hurdles to bring prosperity and peace in our life.

If you have ever wondered why is Ganapati always riding on or accompanied by rat? Why is a snake coiled around Ganesha's stomach or neck? Why Ganesha is fond of Modaka as a sweet in particular? Why blades of grass, known as Dhurva form a critical ingredient of Ganesha worship. The answers to these questions that can set one thinking can be found in this book making it easy to relate to each one of them post reading this book.

The author has made it interesting by dividing the book into twelve parts and showing the importance of Ganapati in family, festivals, stories, symbols, temples etc. An interesting area covered under "family part" is that of Lakshmi and Saraswati. Lakshmi, is the goddess of wealth. When she enters the house, there is prosperity. Saraswati, is the goddess of wisdom. When she enters the house, there is peace. But the two of them do not stay in the same house which is why peace and prosperity rarely co-exist. The only God who can bring them together is Ganesha.

Why devotees of Ganesha avoid looking at the moon on the days that he is worshipped? Why is the word "Shri" seen on top of wedding cards even today and what is its significance? If these questions are trying to make you curious then reading this latest book by Dr. Pattanaik would be all the more enlightening.

Readers are sure to find the answers to the above questions in this book coupled with relevant explanation which the author has given throughout the book coming out not only as interesting but convincing as well. One may ask why only 99 thoughts why not more to which the author has cited the example of the game of cricket. Having scored 99 runs, when a batsman stands all set to get that one run to gain the century mark, he experiences the moment that is best associated with Ganesha. The readers can realize the importance of Lord Ganesh in our life.

Author Devdutt Pattanaik

Publisher JAICO Publishing House

Pages 240

Price Rs 195/-

ISBN 978-81-8495-152-3


Galatians 3 - By Faith, 'Reckoned' As Righteous

Just as Abraham 'believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness,' so you see, those who believe are the descendants of Abraham... For this reason, those who believe are blessed with Abraham who believed.
~Galatians 3:6-7, 9 (NRSV).

Four hundred and thirty years before the Law was proclaimed through Moses, Abraham was justified by faith. Se is, therefore, a compelling illustration for Paul; God did not need the Law to justify Abraham as blessed - though it is clear Abraham would no doubt have met the requirements of the Law.


As love is a higher law, and superior, than the pure requirements of the Law, faith has a way about it that exceeds the rulebook.

Faith and belief are synonymous. Perhaps these two are more rooted in action than we might suspect, having previously aligned the requirements of the Law with works. But faith and belief are known by their works.

Abraham was known by what he did. He left his homeland at the call of the LORD, not sitting on his haunches thinking, "Was that really God's voice?" When he placed Isaac on the altar, with a thorough will to go through with the sacrifice, he never doubted the voice of God that tested him (Genesis 22:1-2), or the voice of the Angel of the LORD to dissuade him (Genesis 22:11-12).

On both occasions God blessed Abraham's faith. These were action-oriented deeds of trust. Not only did these actions meet the requirements of the Law, they proved Abraham's faithfulness; he went well beyond his own insight.

Abraham's faith far exceeded the requirements of the Law. When we, too, act by faith as we're led, we prove our belief and are, hence, also justified.


Where faith steps up into another realm is in the field of salvation.

There are no two ways to be saved. We cannot choose between the works of our own strength and the faith of trust in God. The former requires none of God; the latter is completely reliant on Divine revelation and intervention toward decisions of action; the placement of faith.

We cannot make it to, or reconcile, heaven - as an experience in the here and now, or ultimately - by praying the 'right way' or by reading our Bibles every day or by attending church every Sunday for the whole of our lifetimes; never skipping one, or by being a Christian for ten, twenty, thirty or forty consecutive years. Justification just doesn't work that way.

We cannot prove ourselves worthy; we can't 'improve' salvation; we can't gain this gift of God by human feats.

If we are to be 'reckoned' as righteous, God has 'calculated' us that way. We are counted righteous or our 'accounts' are valued thus, without question. This adjudication is never in dispute and it can't be removed from us - as if we didn't keep the Law, for instance.

For what Christ established on the cross, we can afford to believe in God guilt free. We are granted sonship and daughtership; we are heirs of the Promise; because we believe, we will be glorified with God in heaven one day. This is not a conditional reality.

We are the fully fledged kin of Abraham.

© 2011 S. J. Wickham.

Further Recommended Reading:

Leon Morris, Galatians: Paul's Charter of Christian Freedom (Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter-Varsity Press, 1996), pp. 92-97.

A. Lukyn Williams, D.D. (ed), The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians: Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges (London, England: Cambridge University Press, 1914), pp. 59-62.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: http://epitemnein-epitomic.blogspot.com/ and http://inspiringbetterlife.blogspot.com/


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Psalm 52 - Trust in the LORD, Not Wealth

But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God.
I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever.
~Psalm 52:8 (NRSV).

We will all meet the same end, but then again Judgment - in this life and in the next - is meted out at accord with how we actually handle, and have handled, ourselves; faithfully or faithlessly. When all is said and done, as the song goes, we must ask, did we live for truth?

This psalm endorses the faithful, by way of their honest dealing with life, whilst it denounces the wicked that seem bent on trusting on their wealth alone without account to God. The latter will see their folly eventually.

The structure of the psalm is threefold. The first four verses highlight the actual situation that David finds himself in; he deplores the 'mighty one' that operates via devious means. The echo of Judgment peels like thunder from verse five. The final two verses enunciate the confidence of trust that exemplifies David's faith.


Of course, the psalmist highlights a truth we all know. The issue is, however, in the normal run of life, we tend to forget such a truth when our eyes consider how much favour the wicked receive, and how much they seem to get away with.

We know the theory, yet by our acts we disbelieve the theory - we get upset at injustices and seek to contort, or even pervert, the course of justice: God's justice. Sometimes we do need to intervene, especially where we have a prime accountability.

But much of life involves simply watching on as disconnected injustices play out, knowing that God will intervene at the right time and in the right way.

Truly, no one gets away from God; from the injustices of perversion, greed, and malevolence. Everyone pays, ultimately.


There are people in all our lives that enjoy the privilege of influence; some have so much power it's hard to comprehend. The important question, so far as their lives are concerned, is where do they place their trust?

It is a very basic error that many so-called wise people make in life; to trust in riches, the positions they've attained, et cetera.

Let us not be like that. We should pray that God will always keep us grounded in a reality that trusts in the Power behind life itself, and not in the power that seems to be ours.

Most especially, in the context of this psalm, we can know that when we are reviled, doublecrossed, and cheated - if we're faithful to God - we will be avenged.

© 2011 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: http://epitemnein-epitomic.blogspot.com/ and http://inspiringbetterlife.blogspot.com/


Is There A Case For An After Life? Thoughts To Make You Think

Many people suggest that there is a life after the one we live now, and also people have said that we have only one shot at life. So who is right or maybe they could both have elements of the truth. So what happens after we have finished this life of around 70 - 90 years? There are many schools of thought, and many people trying to sell tickets to an after life, but what is the truth. For many people selling tickets for a place in a heavenly kingdom in an after life have not actually been to the place they are selling tickets to. So what is the truth is there sure a thing as the after life? Two interesting books is one by Enoch Tan and the other about a girl named Angelica Zambrano.

The truth about Religion

For countless years many religious practitioners have been trying to convince the world about a life after this one either in a wonderful paradise or in a tormented hellishly fiery place of torment. Is there any truth in these stories, and has any one actually come back with a true testimony of these places. The only record that seems to be around is the stories recorded in the various holy books, but who can verify that the happenings in these books actually happened. It has been known that even the Christian religion has been controlled by Roman Emperors such as Constantine. Could some of what has been written in the Bible been put their for the purpose of controlling people. Because if it has then it has been very effective. Because you are able to get people to do exactly what you want them to do using either promises of a wonderful after life a carrot, or a place of fire and torment a stick. So with just words people can be brought under complete control by the means of these stories. But could there be elements of truth in these stories.

Reincarnation and Angels

It has also been said that we may in fact be returning to the earth several times and living multiple different lives. Some writers for example Enoch Tan seems to believe that we are living several lives simultaneously. He has also commented in one of his books that there was a war in a place called Heaven and a character name Lucifer who was said to be a very beautiful and wise angel decided to rebel against a Supreme God, and ended up being thrown out of heaven with 2/3 of the other rebelling angels. According to the stories Lucifer had his name changed to the Devil and Satan and is now ruling the earth for a time before he and these angels are put in to an eternal Hell of fire.

There are so many different views as to what will happen after this life, is there any elements of truth in any of these stories, has anyone actually experienced the after life. There are people who have had near death experiences and have come back to tell the story of what they saw. Some people who died on operating theatres have given stories of how they saw them selves on the operating table, but came back into their bodies after experiencing various things, For example Angelica Zambrano claims that she died for 23 hours and went to Hell and Heaven. But I feel it is down to everyone to look at all these idea's and draw your own conclusions. Thoughts to Make You Think.

MGA Brown © July 2011


Friday, August 26, 2011

Spiritual Speeders

Earlier this month I spent two days on the road with my two oldest children driving down the East Coast to take them back to college. Our car was packed full of everything they would need for the next few months. We had a great time talking and laughing about old times as we drove. The weather was great and somehow we managed to avoid all the road construction and rush hour traffic. We had no delays on the trip, with one exception. As we neared Charlotte, North Carolina, we came up on a long line of traffic due to a tractor trailer that had slid off the road. There was a fire truck and a rescue vehicle and a state trooper on the scene. The line of traffic had all shifted to the far lane to give the emergency vehicles room to work. As we approached the actual scene of the incident, a SUV came flying down the road in the empty lane, passing the line of traffic, narrowly avoiding the emergency vehicles, and just kept going. Apparently the driver was unconcerned about anything other than where he was headed in such a hurry.

Since I have had lots of quiet time behind the wheel since then to think about the incident, it occurred to me that many Christians are just like that SUV driver. People all around us have slid off the road of life and become mired in difficulty and trouble. Though some Christians have responded and have pulled over from their busy lives to help, many just go flying by. Far too many Christians are hurrying along at neck break speed doing their own thing. In the rush to do everything, we often pass by those who need help the most. Such spiritual speeders narrowly miss hurting concerned Christians who are responding to needs around them. Spiritual speeders cruise past other Christians who are at the very least slowing down to pray as they see needs around them.

I know I have been guilty of spiritual speeding far too often in my life. I suspect we all have been at certain points in our lives. But perhaps we need to learn to slow down and spend more time praying. Perhaps we need to pull over and spent time helping others. Perhaps we need to encourage ministers and lay leaders who are helping instead of putting them in greater danger through our reckless attitudes. Perhaps it is time to actually live out our Christianity instead of just talk about it. Maybe instead of just reading the story of the Good Samaritan in the Bible, maybe we should act it out in real life. We may find our own lives enriched when we slow down enough to pray about the needs we see around us and then put feet to those prayers by offering a helping hand to those around us.

Dr. Terry W. Dorsett holds a Masters in Religious Education and a Doctorate in Administration. He oversees the work of the Baptist denomination in Vermont. He is widely sought after as a speaker in area churches. His innovative and fresh approach makes him an effective communicator with young adults. He is the author of two books and a frequent contributor to Baptist Press. His blog may be found at http://www.terrydorsett.com/


Spirituality - A Review of "Angels in the ER"

There are angels among us, and "Angels in the ER" by Dr. Robert D. Lesslie, MD caught my eye because I still believe in angels. I knew the "ER" meant Emergency Room because I have been there more than once. I thought that this would be a book about people leaving their bodies after being clinically dead on the operating table, or hovering outside an ambulance while they are on the way to witness their own resurrection. Thank God (mine, maybe not yours), this book is about real people. Doctors, nurses, emergency personnel, and the rest of us who visit hospitals as patients and as visitors. Spiritual fiction? I'm not sure...

The author is a doctor who works at an emergency hospital in Rock Hill, South Carolina. He has seen the incredible things that people can endure and the experiences that they can survive first hand. He knows that certain people will step up and exhibit their true tendencies in an emergency situation. Others will stand down and show theirs as well. There are times when you will not know what will happen next. Those are the times that "angels" appear in the form of humans, and they are usually not accompanied by flashes of lightning and rolls of thunder - in fact, this practically never happens anymore.

Dr. Lesslie has years of experience and can easily verify the cases that he writes about. Can he verify EVERYTHING that happens? No. Some of these occurrences will be considered spiritual and purely fictional. As a doctor he can provide the case histories, the names of the people and the dates that they occurred, although they are rarely given in his book. Should you choose to be skeptical you will have to contact him personally for more detailed information, and even then he is probably restricted from giving this information out to the general public.

I chose to read this book because of the title and because it was written by a doctor. I still put my trust in doctors, and I have read too many books by so-called "religious experts" who have disappointed me with their writing. Dr. Lesslie provides a very readable book broken down into short stories about things that he and others have experienced in an emergency room. Some have happy endings, some are very sad and some are actually disgusting in the way that people act today. The stories with the true "angels" are inspiring and this is a book that I will keep on my shelf.

Dr. Robert Lesslie has spent over 25 years as a doctor in his general practice and as an ER doctor. In this book (he has written others as well) he patiently guides you through some of his more memorable experiences with patients, other ER personnel and their families. Each story can be read on it's own and each chapter begins with a verse of scripture that is related to the tale being told. Although the scripture verses are purely for reference, I found it inspiring to go back to the beginning of each chapter to see how that particular verse could be applied to the story he had just related. The doctor's knowledge, spirituality and personal values are revealed - this is not just a book about the trials and tribulations of an ER staff.

Although not every story ends up with every patient being miraculously saved, those that are saved are usually grateful. The patient who manages to leave WITH the fake X-rays he brought with him (?) and WITHOUT his expected shot of Demerol and a prescription for either Tylox, Percocet or Oxycontin will absolutely make you cringe. This chapter titled "You're On My last Nerve" will give you some idea of the lengths people will go to to feed their addictions. It is scary just to read about it.

There are not only angels in the ER, they are in the lives of each one of us. Some show up and make themselves known to us everyday in their quiet, subtle way. The mechanic who fixed your car, the person who held a door for you, the lady who poured your coffee, the man who cleared away your table, the people you live with. Countless others are right beside us, day in and day out with never a word of thanks or acknowledgement sent their way. Still others will leave us and we will never know or appreciate how much they have helped - ever.

Today just might be a good day to thank one or two of them, and don't wait for them to go first...

"Angels in the ER" is a book that is going to stay on my shelf. The title alone constantly reminds me that there ARE angels hERe, and evERywhERe...

Laughter and Love,

Rick Fess

"Angels in the ER" Dr. Robert D. Lesslie, MD
Harvest House Publishers http://www.harvesthousepublishers.com

And if you would like to know more about me and my upcoming book "Is There More?", please visit http://www.spiritualfictionbooks.com/ to access my weekly blog. I regularly review books on spirituality and self-improvement, particularly spiritual fiction books. You can also contact me through the website if you have any questions or comments. Thank you for your interest.

Laughter and love,
Rick Fess


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Jerusalem Maiden by Talia Carner

I cried near the end. I don't do that too often with novels anymore, so that was a nice surprise. The story carries the reader through to the conclusion with no break in the action. I liked the main character, despite some of her foolish teenage decisions.

The story of Esther, living in Jerusalem in the early 1900s, takes us into the lives of the Jewish people adhering to strict rules at a time when the plight of the women was to have as many children as possible to provide more Jews to populate the area. Esther rebels against such a future, wanting to be an artist after realizing her talent. Through a series of adventures, she gives up her art work, marries, has children and finds her love of painting again, only to have it, once more, vanish from her life. We live through the heart-wrenching choices she makes and wonder if we would do the same.

We watch her grow from a young rebellious woman in Israel to a married, mature rebellious adult in Paris. We smell the odors, see the sights, hear the sounds, taste the foods and touch the fabrics she so loves, as the novel becomes a sensory experience into her two worlds.

We sympathize with this young woman who questions her faith and its strict rules, wondering what God wants her to do and not accepting the rules that are imposed. We learn about the Jewish customs and traditions of this time when women were held hostage to a male-dominated culture. Esther tries doing the right thing and not following the heat of her passion; she tries to honor the religious beliefs that she loves, until it is too late to resist. There is joy, there is sorrow. We remember how difficult it has been for women even as late as the early 20th century who wanted to pursue their own passions and how difficult it has been for women to choose between a religious belief and a personal destiny. Esther reminds us of those choices, good and bad. And yes, the role of religion is also good and bad.

We watch the progress in history as religions and cultures change to allow a woman to be a voice. As I read this, I wondered at the next step in women's evolution. Will we one day be the ones to choose and decide. We believe we have achieved that now, but I often wonder as I remember how it was and observe how this is still a man's world.

I'm reminded, as I get older, of the choices I made, the ones where I walked away from temptations and feel good about that now. I have few regrets. Perhaps I was lucky. And you?

Cheryl A. Chatfield, Ph. D. invites you to visit her nonprofit organization at http://nottinstitute.org/ to view her new novel The Lost Principles, and discover ancient wisdoms lost through the ages and retrieved mysteriously by stockbroker Michele Stone, amidst corporate fraud, assault, murder and romance. The story is fictional. The historical information, however, concerning the Cosmic Principles is factual.


The Secret to Answered Prayers

People pray every day, some for hours, and the majority don't get answers to their prayers. Is it that God isn't hearing them? No; that is far from it. The reason for unanswered prayers is lack of knowledge of how to pray. Once you know how to pray, everything you ask for in prayer would be yours in a matter of time. As it is said by Jesus in the book of Mathew (in the Bible) - "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." (Mathew 21:22)

A lot of people have read the above passage in the Bible, but still don't get answered prayers, and they don't know what they are doing wrong. If you pay attention and read the verse again, you would notice that the word "believing" is in italic; that is because it is the secret to answered prayers. It is the belief in your mind that your prayer has been answered that leads to your prayer being granted.

Think about it- how do a lot of people approach praying? A good percent of people only pray when things are bad, and they half believe in their mind that they would get answered. Some people go to prayer crying; some pray when they have fear in their mind; some finish praying and start worrying about the problem again. Once you pass the request to your Father in heaven, you should have faith in your mind that your prayers have been answered, and not bother yourself with that problem again, because it has been answered. If you would recall, all the miracles Jesus performed in the Bible, he always said one thing- "your faith has healed you".

So, that is the secret; you must have faith that God is more than able to solve the problem, and believe that once you end that prayer, it is just a matter of time before you start seeing results. At this point, I know a lot of people are thinking- "but how do I make sure I believe every time I pray?" To tackle this, we must first ask why you don't believe in the first place. He is your God, and in your natural state, you are supposed to be able to communicate with him like you communicate with your physical father. But what you see around you every day has created the doubt you have, and have caused a resistance between you and your answered prayers. So, what you should be working on is how to completely remove that resistance, or reduce it.

Times to Pray
The best times to pass your request to your Heavenly father are when you are very still or in a high positive frequency. To make sure you are very quiet and still, pray early in the mornings, late at night, or at very quiet places where you cannot be disturbed and your mind can quiet down. At these times, activities from your conscious mind are reduced to nil, and since it is the cause of most of the doubt in the first place, it is easier for your prayers to get answered. And secondly, pass your request over when you are having a praise session in church or in your home, and you are in a joyous state. At this state, you would be operating high in the positive frequency, which shatters all resistance, and allows more positive into your life.

Kayode Odusanya is a writer in the niche of self improvement. He has been writing articles for years in his country Nigeria, to help uplift the countless citizens living below the poverty level. For more of his works, head over to http://www.kaystipstogettingrich.blogspot.com/


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Quran And Its True Meaning

The Quran signifies the entirety and the totality of the Muslims and that is to live, act, and speak a good, chastise, and obedient life especially to the commandments of Allah. It is their ultimate goal to live accordingly and gain salvation after death. The Quran speaks of truth, the chart of life, and the constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth.

The word is derived from the Arabic verb qara'a which means "he read" or "he recited". However, the most important meaning of the word is the "act of reciting" based on the early Quranic passage: "It is for Us to collect it and to recite it."

This is where the Muslims derive the teachings that organize both religious and daily affairs of their life. Encapsulated in this book are the documentation and stories of the Prophets and Messengers sent by Allah which discloses about what happened to them and the people from Adam to Muhammad.

It is said that the Quran is the last revelation of the word of God. Hence, this book is the primary and absolute source of each and every Muslim's faith and practice. Basically, this Holy Book signifies the relationship between God and His children. Believers will learn wisdom, worship, the doctrines, the laws, and many more. Substantially, it entails the detailed teachings on how to have a just society, appropriate human behavior and conduct, and fair economic system.

The purpose of this truth is to inspire human kind to live a life of peace, happiness and love. Fundamentally, the words of Allah will take them out from darkness, hatred, anger, and hopelessness. Eventually bring people to the light and freedom of life. In return, those individuals who were renewed will manifest their act of worship by memorizing, reciting, and teaching what they have learned and experience to their brethren.

Ostensibly, it is the Muslim's salvation. Each individual down to the next generation elicits their inspiration, strength, courage, and the will to live in this book. Just like any other religion, we use our faith to surpass the adversities of life, to keep going despite the rough roads that we encounter along our way, and to continue believing that at the end of every calamity there is tranquility. Those who believe in His word will be triumphant in the end.

The Quran is the most precious book of the Arabians. If you want to seek for truth, love, and salvation, then read, recite, memorize, and follow its teachings. It is guaranteed to make life gratifying and rewarding if you learn about the purpose of your life here on earth.

If you are seeking for truth about God, reading books and other reading materials like Quran will help you have a clearer vision and a better understanding to the truth. Alhudabookstore offers several line of books and accessories that you can get a hold of. Visit http://www.alhudabookstore.com/ today and start learning.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Psalm 88 - When God Doesn't Answer Our Prayers

O LORD, why do you cast me off?
Why do you hide your face from me?
Wretched and close to death from my youth up,
I suffer your terrors; I am desperate.
~Psalm 88:14-15 (NRSV).

What's in range here is something that all people, and all Christians, know is a feature of life, but we so often pretend isn't. No genuine Christian likes to consider that God doesn't, occasionally, answer prayer. More importantly, the real world wants to learn that even the Bible - God's Word - suggests that feeling estranged from God happens.

Of course it happens, and Psalm 88 attests to its happening. Additionally, the psalmist - Heman the Ezrahite - grapples with their own imminent death. This may be a depressing psalm for many, but it is an urgent voice speaking to those in the wilderness. It speaks to a world needing relevant and compassionate encouragement in the midst of silence from God.


Psalms of the darkness, like this one, polarise the emotions.

We read them when life is swimmingly good and they really make no sense - the psalmist heaping bulbous nodules of self-pity, and blinded by same, all over themselves.

Then, life changes. Quickly we burrow into a hole centred upon our own oblivion. All around us is stark as fear entraps our hope. No one can empathise with us in the pit; truly, only God can help. And as we read God not helping, we are helped, because we don't feel like we are be only ones left completely barren of response from God.

Psalm 88 is, perhaps, the darkest psalm; almost because it takes aim at God for not helping. The truth is, many journeys of matured faith involve such seasons where feelings of abandonment are normal. God never abandons us, but we genuinely feel that he has during these times. So wonderful it is that God's Word speaks to us, here, in such darkness.


Such dark psalms offer hope to the spiritually oppressed. The following are some nuances relevant to dark nights of the soul:

1. Often we might feel like we are occupying hell. This psalm mentions "the Pit," "Sheol," and "Abaddon" in verses 4, 6, 3, and 11. Such nouns are, in effect, adjectives of a weary soul, desolate, and without a companion - even God. When we reside here - in the hellishness of life - we actually want to read that others have experienced the same isolation. An answer is less important than the empathy we receive (from God, ironically) to consider others have also suffered.

2. Given a certain hypochondria, a matter for more of us than we would care to admit, we will often worry even despite biblical commands not to. We worry about death and disease; about an unpredictable and sudden demise; and not just from a health viewpoint; it occurs in the financial sense as well, among others.

3. It will be clear to every human being - at varying stages - that God does not wait with his ear fixed to the door of our prayer closets anxiously seeking to break through our challenges. God does listen. But part of the process of maturity is resolving our challenges in our own way with God as a non-interfering heavenly Sponsor. Such prayer is the medium for the psalmist's communication with God in verses 2 and 13. The psalmist is not answered, and oftentimes we will not feel answered, either.

4. Loneliness comes for many reasons. Sometimes it is only circumstantial; not because of conflict or betrayal. We are just alone. At other times, however, loneliness comes because of our friendships. In verses 8 and 18 we get a glimpse of the psalmist in their shame. Again, this is an enormous encouragement. We, as a fact of being human, will all feel the king-hit of shame, as well as pangs of guilt for some of the things we've done. It's important to be reminded, as we read a psalm like this one, that these are not unique emotions. Almost everyone has them.

There is a season for a psalm so dark; its testimony enfolding over us is encouragement, for the darkness others too have experienced. God wants us to know, we are not alone in that darkness time. Others are there, and have been there. In this we are encouraged.

© 2011 S. J. Wickham.

Further Recommended Reading: Craig C. Broyles, Psalms: New International Biblical Commentary (Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc., 1999), pp. 352-54.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: http://epitemnein-epitomic.blogspot.com/ and http://inspiringbetterlife.blogspot.com/


Basic Chakra Meditation for Beginners

Physical, mental and spiritual health and balance all work together. Physical disease or injury will affect you mentally and spiritually, just as mental depression or spiritual imbalances can cause physical illness. Your emotions greatly contribute to your overall well-being and yet, emotions can be incredibly difficult to control and balance, especially emotions such as anger, anxiety and depression.

Meditation has become a mainstream treatment for many emotional problems, but in fact, meditation has been around for centuries. Consistent meditation results in spiritual growth and balance between the body and spirit. Meditation does not remove negative emotions. You will still get angry; you will still experience stressful situations; you will still feel sad. But meditation will limit the negative effects these emotions have on you and allow you to more quickly and easily regain balance and positive energy.

One way to quickly balance your emotions and relax and find relief from stress is to do a chakra meditation.

Chakra meditations involve focusing on each of the seven main chakras to remove any blockages and balance your energy. As with any meditation, it is important to be consistent in your practices and practice everyday for approximately 30 minutes. While this may seem like a long time at first, you will find that this daily 'break' from the rest of your life will bring you great peace and serenity and you will find yourself looking forward to your meditation time and even missing it if you skip a day.

A chakra meditation is an easy place for beginners to start, but even experienced meditators will see great benefits from the practice. Begin by sitting comfortably in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Next you are going to visualize a spinning ball of light in each chakra, until the energy is open and balanced. Then you will move to the next chakra.

Begin with the Muladhara or root chakra. Imagine a red light spinning and gathering energy.

Next move up to your sacral chakra or Svadisthana using an orange light. The Manipura or naval chakra is golden yellow; the heart chakra or Anahata is represented with emerald green; the throat chakra or Vishudda is pale blue; and the Ajna or third eye chakra located between the brows is indigo blue. Finally balance the crown chakra or Shasrara with a violet light.

Remember to keep your breathing slow and relaxed and imagine the chakras as vividly as possible. When you are finished with the crown chakra, take several deep breaths before opening your eyes and returning to your daily activities.

Be gentle with yourself. It may be difficult at first to maintain focus for a full 30 minutes. That is okay. It is better to do a short 10 minute meditation and finish feeling relaxed and revived than to force yourself through 30 minutes of meditation and feel more frustrated and stressed than when you began.

Metaphysical Studies Store is your source for all things metaphysics, from meditation to psychic development and more. Visit http://metaphysicalstudiesstore.com/ to see more and to download a FREE e-book.
