Physical, mental and spiritual health and balance all work together. Physical disease or injury will affect you mentally and spiritually, just as mental depression or spiritual imbalances can cause physical illness. Your emotions greatly contribute to your overall well-being and yet, emotions can be incredibly difficult to control and balance, especially emotions such as anger, anxiety and depression.
Meditation has become a mainstream treatment for many emotional problems, but in fact, meditation has been around for centuries. Consistent meditation results in spiritual growth and balance between the body and spirit. Meditation does not remove negative emotions. You will still get angry; you will still experience stressful situations; you will still feel sad. But meditation will limit the negative effects these emotions have on you and allow you to more quickly and easily regain balance and positive energy.
One way to quickly balance your emotions and relax and find relief from stress is to do a chakra meditation.
Chakra meditations involve focusing on each of the seven main chakras to remove any blockages and balance your energy. As with any meditation, it is important to be consistent in your practices and practice everyday for approximately 30 minutes. While this may seem like a long time at first, you will find that this daily 'break' from the rest of your life will bring you great peace and serenity and you will find yourself looking forward to your meditation time and even missing it if you skip a day.
A chakra meditation is an easy place for beginners to start, but even experienced meditators will see great benefits from the practice. Begin by sitting comfortably in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Next you are going to visualize a spinning ball of light in each chakra, until the energy is open and balanced. Then you will move to the next chakra.
Begin with the Muladhara or root chakra. Imagine a red light spinning and gathering energy.
Next move up to your sacral chakra or Svadisthana using an orange light. The Manipura or naval chakra is golden yellow; the heart chakra or Anahata is represented with emerald green; the throat chakra or Vishudda is pale blue; and the Ajna or third eye chakra located between the brows is indigo blue. Finally balance the crown chakra or Shasrara with a violet light.
Remember to keep your breathing slow and relaxed and imagine the chakras as vividly as possible. When you are finished with the crown chakra, take several deep breaths before opening your eyes and returning to your daily activities.
Be gentle with yourself. It may be difficult at first to maintain focus for a full 30 minutes. That is okay. It is better to do a short 10 minute meditation and finish feeling relaxed and revived than to force yourself through 30 minutes of meditation and feel more frustrated and stressed than when you began.
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