Saturday, August 27, 2011

Is There A Case For An After Life? Thoughts To Make You Think

Many people suggest that there is a life after the one we live now, and also people have said that we have only one shot at life. So who is right or maybe they could both have elements of the truth. So what happens after we have finished this life of around 70 - 90 years? There are many schools of thought, and many people trying to sell tickets to an after life, but what is the truth. For many people selling tickets for a place in a heavenly kingdom in an after life have not actually been to the place they are selling tickets to. So what is the truth is there sure a thing as the after life? Two interesting books is one by Enoch Tan and the other about a girl named Angelica Zambrano.

The truth about Religion

For countless years many religious practitioners have been trying to convince the world about a life after this one either in a wonderful paradise or in a tormented hellishly fiery place of torment. Is there any truth in these stories, and has any one actually come back with a true testimony of these places. The only record that seems to be around is the stories recorded in the various holy books, but who can verify that the happenings in these books actually happened. It has been known that even the Christian religion has been controlled by Roman Emperors such as Constantine. Could some of what has been written in the Bible been put their for the purpose of controlling people. Because if it has then it has been very effective. Because you are able to get people to do exactly what you want them to do using either promises of a wonderful after life a carrot, or a place of fire and torment a stick. So with just words people can be brought under complete control by the means of these stories. But could there be elements of truth in these stories.

Reincarnation and Angels

It has also been said that we may in fact be returning to the earth several times and living multiple different lives. Some writers for example Enoch Tan seems to believe that we are living several lives simultaneously. He has also commented in one of his books that there was a war in a place called Heaven and a character name Lucifer who was said to be a very beautiful and wise angel decided to rebel against a Supreme God, and ended up being thrown out of heaven with 2/3 of the other rebelling angels. According to the stories Lucifer had his name changed to the Devil and Satan and is now ruling the earth for a time before he and these angels are put in to an eternal Hell of fire.

There are so many different views as to what will happen after this life, is there any elements of truth in any of these stories, has anyone actually experienced the after life. There are people who have had near death experiences and have come back to tell the story of what they saw. Some people who died on operating theatres have given stories of how they saw them selves on the operating table, but came back into their bodies after experiencing various things, For example Angelica Zambrano claims that she died for 23 hours and went to Hell and Heaven. But I feel it is down to everyone to look at all these idea's and draw your own conclusions. Thoughts to Make You Think.

MGA Brown © July 2011

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